» Symbolism » Astrological Symbols » Cancer is a sign of the zodiac

Cancer is a sign of the zodiac

Cancer is a sign of the zodiac

Plot of the ecliptic

from 90 ° to 120 °

Cancer c fourth zodiac sign of the zodiac... It is attributed to people born when the Sun was in this sign, that is, on the ecliptic between 90 ° and 120 ° ecliptic longitude. This length falls out from 20/21 June to 22/23 July.

Cancer - The origin and description of the name of the zodiac sign.

Many mythological characters had to face unknown dangers, do the almost impossible, or, more often, kill an invincible monster in order to earn a place in the firmament. The role of the famous monster Cancer turned out to be short and at the same time not very spectacular. Cancer is an ancient constellation associated with the famous twelve works of Hercules. This constellation represents the great Cancer, who, on the orders of the goddess Hera, attacked Hercules, the son of Zeus and the Mycenaean princess Alcmene, whom she hated. This monster died in a fight with the hero, but the heavenly lady appreciated his sacrifice and in gratitude placed it in heaven (like the hydra, a monster that Hercules also fought with).

In ancient Egypt, it was considered a scarab, a sacred beetle, a symbol of immortality.