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Capricorn - zodiac sign

Capricorn - zodiac sign

Plot of the ecliptic

from 270 ° to 300 °

Capricorn tenth astrological sign of the zodiac... It is attributed to people born when the Sun was in this sign, that is, on the ecliptic between 270 ° and 300 ° ecliptic longitude. This length falls out from December 21/22 to January 19/20.

Capricorn - Origin and description of the name of the zodiac sign

It may seem strange that one of the weakest zodiacal constellations has been known for the longest time. However, its significance lies not so much in the nature of the stars as in their position. Today, the winter solstice occurs when the sun is in the constellation of Sagittarius, but thousands of years ago it was Capricorn who marked the most southerly position of the sun in the sky. In the images of the ancient Greeks, he depicts half a goat, half a fish, because this is what they call the god Pan, the horned god, when he, together with other gods, fled from the monster Typhon to Egypt.

During the war between the Olympian gods against the titans, the Lord warned the Olympians of the approaching terrible monster sent against them by Gaia. The gods took different forms to save themselves from Typhon. The lord jumped into the water and tried to turn into a fish in order to escape. Unfortunately, his transformation was not completely successful - he became half goat, half fish. When he went back up to the shore, it turned out that Typhon tore Zeus apart. To scare the monster, the Lord began to scream - until Hermes managed to collect all the limbs of Zeus. Pan and Hermes joined them so that Zeus could fight the monster again. In the end, Zeus defeated the monster by throwing lightning at him and buried him alive under Mount Etna in Sicily, from where the monster can still be felt through the puffs of smoke emanating from the crater. For helping Zeus, he was placed among the stars.