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Virgo is a zodiac sign

Virgo is a zodiac sign

Plot of the ecliptic

from 150 ° to 180 °

Panna k sixth zodiac sign of the zodiac... It is attributed to people born when the Sun was in this sign, that is, on the ecliptic between 150 ° and 180 ° ecliptic longitude. This length falls out 24 from August to September 22.

Virgo - Origin and description of the name of the zodiac sign

Almost all ancient cultures associated the stars of this constellation with a virgin or goddess. The ancient Babylonians saw an ear and a palm leaf in the sky. The brightest star is still called Clos. The constellation was also associated with the earth's radlin, torn apart by a plow, so the Babylonians associated the fertility of their lands with this part of the sky. The Romans also chose a connection with agriculture and named this constellation Ceres in honor of the goddess of the harvest [1]. According to the ancient Greeks and Romans, they saw the figure of a woman in this fragment of the sky. In some myths, it was Demeter, the daughter of Chronos and Rei, the goddess of fertility, holding an ear of wheat, which is the brightest star in the constellation - Spica. In other cases, Astrea weighs justice over the nearest Libra. Another myth linked her to Erigona. Erigona was the daughter of Ikarios, who hanged himself after learning that drunken shepherds had killed her father. It was placed in the sky by Dionysus, who told Ikarios the secret of making wine [3]. It is also identified with the Greek goddess of justice Dike, the daughter of Zeus and Themis, who left the Earth and flew up to heaven when people's behavior became worse and worse, but also goddesses performing similar functions in other cultures (in Mesopotamia - Astarte, in Egypt - Isis , Greece - Athena Another myth tells about Persephone, the inaccessible queen of the underworld, abducted by Pluto, while in the Middle Ages Virgo was identified with the Virgin Mary.

Source: wikipedia.pl