» Symbolism » Animal symbolism » Hippopotamus symbolism. What does the Behemoth symbolize?

Hippopotamus symbolism. What does the Behemoth symbolize?

The symbolism of the hippopotamus is associated with strength and courage, calmness during a crisis, maternal instinct and the ability to cope with your emotions.

The hippopotamus reminds you that you were born big and that you have the potential to become who you want.

It also represents an adapted use of aggression. In some circumstances, aggression can be positive, in others - the opposite. You must be able to distinguish one from the other.

The hippopotamus stands for creativity, practicality and stability. It reminds you that you can control your creative energy. It's up to you whether you want to use them in important things and lead you to your goals or spend them on superficial and stupid things.

With the appearance of a hippopotamus in your life, your sensitivity will wake up and you will find the path that is right for you.

You will have to stay on this path if you want to realize your true purpose, no matter how difficult it may be for you.

Do you identify with the hippo? Positive and negative aspects of your personality

If you identify with a hippopotamus, it means that you are a strong and domineering person. You have real intuition that allows you to see beyond what you show on the surface.

You have a good practical sense for making life decisions. You are very hardworking and don't stop until you reach your goals. You are serious and are not afraid to put others in their place when necessary.

You are focused, ambitious, reserved, and determined. When you are relaxed and interacting well with others, you are the perfect person to have a good time.

You have a good outlook, which allows you to achieve good results in tasks that allow you to work on your own. You are also very focused on your career.

You are usually considered a quiet person, but you can explode and show amazing anger when someone crosses the line.

The reality that almost everyone ignores in you is that you have a lot of inner conflicts, but you spend most of your life hiding them from others. This means that relationships are a big challenge for you and for people who want to get to know you better.

Sometimes you are stubborn and critical, but you can also be impulsive and reckless when something touches you.

What will you learn from a hippopotamus?

A hippopotamus can teach you how to express yourself and get to know yourself better by exploring your interior. He tells you that if your life gets monotonous, there is always an opportunity to shake things up and make them more interesting.