» Symbolism » Animal symbolism » Snake symbol. What does the snake represent?

Snake symbol. What does the snake represent?

If the snake suddenly becomes more and more present in your life, it is because you have to be on your guard; because it is a very powerful sign that warns you to watch out for the potential dangers that lie ahead.

The symbolism of the snake is associated with self-awareness. This reptile glides on the ground and interprets energies as a compass that will allow it to find its way. Like him, you must analyze your environment and the vibrations you receive from him and use them to decide whether you should avoid or follow a certain path.

The meaning of the serpent also tells us about transformation. The snake sheds its skin at different periods of its life. That is why the meaning of this animal is in many ways rebirth and transmutation.

When friction, conflicts or contradictions arise in your life, the snake invites you to give up your bad habits and take on new ones, change your old skin to a new one, another, which will allow you to enjoy your new one. and a better life.

The symbolism of the serpent also speaks of healing. Feelings such as anger and resentment are bad for you and you need to get rid of them.

It is known that this animal swallows its prey whole and digests it for weeks: therefore, the symbolism of the snake is also associated with abundance.

The scales that cover and protect his eyes symbolize the need to protect himself from visible things, without ceasing to keep his eyes open to the reality of the world.

The snake releases its venom by biting: it encourages you to do something similar, freeing yourself from unhealthy diet and sleep, changing your diet and lifestyle, and also playing sports.

The serpent is, ultimately, a call to order, a warning. If you heed this warning, you can improve your destiny.

At the level of heart affairs, the snake encourages you to distance yourself from past stories and forgive the mistakes of those who hurt you, because this is the only way to renew yourself and turn the page so that love finally comes. in your life.

Do you identify with the snake? Positive and negative aspects of your personality

If you identify with the snake, it is because you are intuitive and diplomatic. You have a special gift for speech, which is why you are eloquent both orally and in writing.

You are always in control, which does not mean that you cannot be impulsive, but you never act recklessly. In general, you always have a strategy for getting out of any situation.

You need to work to heed the warnings and advice of those who love you. You ignore them too often, leading to dangerous or difficult situations, whether for your physical integrity or your emotional well-being.

Fortunately, your intuition is rarely wrong, and when you understand this, you are in real danger. Remember, it's best to avoid these ambiguous situations and stay in a safe environment.

What you can learn from a snake

The snake can teach you to interact with nature and others on a deeper level; to be aware of everything that surrounds you, and to interpret it correctly - after all, nothing is accidental in life, everything has a reason. Don't be afraid to explore and discover the true nature of your surroundings.