» Symbolism » African Symbols » What do insects mean in Africa? Encyclopedia of symbols

What do insects mean in Africa? Encyclopedia of symbols

What do insects mean in Africa? Encyclopedia of symbols

Insects: Cunning, Diligence, and Sincerity

There are many legends in Ghana that tell of the Anansi spider. This spider was distinguished by its special cunning, diligence and sincerity. In some areas of Central Africa, spiders have been associated with the deity Thule. This deity once climbed onto the earth along a cobweb to scatter plant seeds throughout the earth. With the help of Thule's magic drum, these plants sprout. According to legend, Thule could appear in human form.

Flies were usually considered by Africans to be dirty creatures - due to the fact that they often sit on sewage. It was believed that flies play the role of spies: due to the fact that they can easily penetrate even into closed rooms, they can always eavesdrop and watch them unnoticed by people.

In some tribes it was also believed that the souls of deceased people return to earth in the form of butterflies.

Source: "Symbols of Africa" ​​Heike Ovuzu