» Symbolism » African Symbols » What does an ox mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

What does an ox mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

What does an ox mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

Ox: a symbol of the female essence that ensures the continuation of life

The cow-shaped bowl shown in the picture was used to store kola nuts. In Benin, cows played a very significant role as a sacrificial animal. The bull in Africa enjoyed special veneration. On the territory of the Sahel, many tribes are vitally dependent on these animals: here the ox is the usual means of payment, often serves as a ransom for the bride.

In the myths of the nomadic African peoples, cattle (oxen, cows, bulls) have always had a special relationship with people. So, cows had a close relationship with women, embodying the image of a wet nurse, a continuation of life on earth. And the ancient Egyptians even considered the night sky a big cow - the goddess Nut.

Bulls, on the contrary, were credited with the role of guards, guarding the peace of the living; bulls were usually associated with young men, embodied a masculine essence, one of the manifestations of which was invariably belligerence.

Source: "Symbols of Africa" ​​Heike Ovuzu