» Symbolism » African Symbols » What does a leopard mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

What does a leopard mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

What does a leopard mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

Leopard: Courage

The figure shows a sculpture of a leopard from Benin, which was once the property of the oba (king). The coral chain encircling the body of the beast indicates a mystical relationship with the ruler, who was usually called the "leopard of the city." The sculpture is made of ivory - this emphasizes that a true ruler must combine the qualities of an elephant and a leopard. One of the legends of the Edo people says that once an elephant and a leopard argued about which of them is the true ruler of the jungle.

Among African peoples, the leopard mask could only belong to the king, as a symbol of authority. Many rulers kept these predatory cats in their palaces.

Many African peoples endow leopards with special magical powers. The kings of Zaire and the peoples of South Africa also love to depict a leopard on their own emblems. Leopards have achieved such respect among African peoples thanks to their amazing leaps, during which they almost never miss - this makes them a symbol of courage and prudence. Many legends also tell of magical transformations, during which some people took the form of leopards.

Source: "Symbols of Africa" ​​Heike Ovuzu