» Symbolism » Advent symbols - what do they mean?

Advent symbols - what do they mean?

Christmas is associated with many traditions, both religious and secular, through which we can experience the magic of Christmas many days before it actually arrives. Traditions rooted in our culture are burdened with many symbols and Bible references. We present the most popular Advent symbols and explain what they mean.

History and origin of the advent

Advent is the time of waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ, as well as the celebration of his first incarnation, in honor of which Christmas is celebrated today. Advent is also the beginning of the liturgical year. The color of Advent is magenta. From the beginning of Advent until December 16, Jesus is expected to come again, and from December 16 to December 24 it is time for immediate preparation for Christmas.

Advent has really existed as long as there is a tradition of celebrating Christmas. The Synod of 380 recommended that believers pray daily of a repentant nature from December 17 to January 6. Advent asceticism was popular in the Spanish and Galician liturgy. Rome introduced Advent only in the XNUMXth century as joyful anticipation of the coming of Jesus... Pope Gregory the Great ordered a four-week unified Advent, and today's liturgical setting was created by combining Galician and Roman traditions. Of the ascetic elements, only purple remained.

It is worth remembering that not only the Catholic Church celebrates Advent, but the Evangelical Church also adheres to this tradition. The Advent symbols in both of these communities are similar and their meanings are intertwined.

Christmas wreath

Advent symbols - what do they mean?A wreath of noble conifers in which they appear four candles - a symbol of family unitywho is preparing for Christmas. On the first Advent Sunday, during the common prayer, one candle is lit, and new ones are added to each subsequent one. All four are lit at the end of Advent. At home, candles are also lit for a joint meal or simply for a joint meeting. Christmas wreaths are also part of the Advent rites in churches. Candles can be in the colors of Advent, that is, I, II and IV purple and III pink. Green (see: green) of the wreath is life, the shape of the circle is the infinity of God, who has no beginning and end, and the light of candles is hope.

Each of the 4 candles has a different value, which is prayed for by those waiting for the holidays:

  • A candle is a candle of peace (see Symbols of Peace), it symbolizes the forgiveness of God for the sin committed by Adam and Eve.
  • The second candle is a symbol of faith - the faith of the Chosen People in the gift of the Promised Land.
  • The XNUMXth candle is love. It marks the covenant of King David with God.
  • The fourth candle is hope. It symbolizes the teaching of the prophets about the coming of the Messiah into the world.

Appearance calendar

Advent symbols - what do they mean?

Sample Christmas calendar

Advent calendar is a family way of counting time from the beginning of Advent (most often today from December 1) to Christmas Eve. It symbolizes the joyful expectation of the coming of the Messiah into the world. and allows you to prepare well for it. This custom is borrowed from the Lutherans of the XNUMXth century. The Advent calendar can be filled with Advent-related illustrations, Bible passages, Christmas decorations, or sweets.

Adventure Lanterns

A lantern on a square plan with biblical stained-glass windows is mainly associated with the participants in the festival. During the first part of the Mass, he illuminates the interior of the darkened church, symbolically showing Jesus the way to the hearts of believers... However, the rotary lantern is a reference to the parable from the Gospel of St. Matthew, which mentions the prudent virgins waiting for the Bridegroom to illuminate the road with his lanterns.

Roratnia candle

Roratka is an additional candle that is lit during Advent. It symbolizes the Mother of God.... It is white or yellow, tied with a white or blue ribbon, signifying the Immaculate Conception of Mary. He talks about the light that Jesus is and that Mary brings into the world.

Candle too Christian symbol... Wax means the body, the wick means the soul and the flame of the Holy Spirit that the believer carries within him.

Wandering statue of the virgin

A custom that exists in many parishes, although it came to us from Germany. It consists in taking home a figurine of Mary for one day. Usually it is given to a child drawn by a priest during a rorat. This is a form of rewarding children for participating in roles and actively sharing their good deeds with the world (the child is drawn on the basis of a good deed card placed in a basket in a church).

Having brought the figurine home, the whole family should devote themselves to the home liturgy, singing religious songs, and installing the rosary.