» Styles » Chicano tattoo

Chicano tattoo

Chicano is one of the most recognizable styles in modern tattoo art. These works are bright and catchy, although you will not see a riot of colors in them, and the history of the style is very dramatic, even though it is less than a century old.

Chicano tattoos for women and men can now be seen quite often, and far beyond the borders of their historical homeland.

Historical roots of the style

The word “Chicano” itself is nothing more than a distorted “mexicano”. It was used to refer to the Latin Americans who settled in the US Southwest in the 50th and XNUMXth centuries during Spanish colonization. After the end of the Mexican-American War, the northern part of Mexico was annexed by the United States, as a result of which about XNUMX thousand Hispanic Catholics who lived in this land ended up in the United States.

Their position in the “land of opportunity” at that time did not promise any colorful prospects. Due to the significant admixture of Indian and African blood, differences in language and religion, Chicano could not become full-fledged members of the society of white Anglo-Saxon settlers, who subjected them to various forms of discrimination. The writer Anna Castillo, who is a representative of the Chicano, very succinctly and accurately described their life: "to be a Chicano means to be a black marginal, who was treated like a foreigner in his own home." Indeed, these people were discriminated against, subjected to persecution, they were given only the most dirty work, for which no one else simply wanted to take on.

Sometimes the situation of the Chicano was so difficult that they had no choice but to make a living by illegal methods. The first chicano tattoos for men appeared in the 40s of the last century among representatives of criminal gangs. Some drawings served as distinctive signs indicating belonging to a particular gang, others were designed to demonstrate to others certain qualities and merits of the owner, and still others were amulets. Such tattoos have become associated with the underworld and imprisonment.

Chicano tattoo designs

The meaning of a Chicano tattoo depends on the symbols and images that are present in the composition. This direction is so recognizable not only due to the technique of performance, but also due to the characteristic plots.

  • Women's portraits... Chicano portraits are difficult to confuse with any others. They depict not just young lovely ladies, but impudent beauties with a defiant look, often with weapons in their hands and faces hidden under masks. Such images are most often only decorative and require a lot of space, so portraits are placed mainly on the hip, shoulder, back or chest.
  • Weapon... It is one of the most eloquent symbols of criminal romance, an integral part of the underworld. Now that the Chicano style has ceased to be the prerogative of Mexican gangs, the image of a pistol indicates a strong personality capable of standing up for himself, protecting his interests at any cost. Works with pistols and money, masks, skulls on the forearm or shoulder look good.
  • Money... When Chicanos were discriminated against and could not honestly earn enough to feed their families, it was money that caused most of the crimes. The image of banknotes can become a talisman that attracts wealth into the life of the tattoo owner.
  • Religion. Religious symbols Is one of the most common Chicano tattoos. Life in difficult conditions can one day break a person, make him completely lose hope for a bright future and faith in his capabilities. Many people, finding themselves in difficult life situations, find salvation in religion, faith gives them strength to continue their difficult path. Images of angels, hands folded in prayer, a rosary or a small cross around the neck reflect well the essence of this style.
  • Masks... Another popular element of Chicano tattoos. Mask - a symbol of pretense, secrecy, often for the sake of their own safety. Such work will indicate a person who guards his secrets like the apple of his eye.
  • Cards... Gambling has always been a great way to cash in. Their image is suitable for a person who is not afraid to take risks.
  • Captions... Tattoos with inscriptions were originally intended to support their owner during imprisonment, to remind him that they love and wait for him at will, to help not to lose faith. Now such works can contain any phrases made in a typical Chicano font.
  • Santa muerte... The modern cult of death, widespread in Mexico and among Latin Americans in the United States, has its roots in antiquity. Similar cults associated with death and rebirth, reverence for ancestors, were still among the Aztecs and Mayans. In those ancient times, when these tribes built their majestic cities in Mexico, the skulls of deceased relatives were even kept in their homes as a sign of respect. The modern holiday Dia de los Muertos, dedicated to the commemoration of the dead, has absorbed the traditions of the Indians with an admixture of Catholicism.

It passes on a huge scale and is even included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Very beautiful tattoos in the Chicano style, depicting girls, whose faces are traditionally painted under the skull, have become a real hallmark of this style.

Chicano today

Now, both male and female Chicano tattoos have lost their negative symbolism associated with crime and prison, and have become one of the most popular trends. If earlier they were applied to the skin with a sewing needle in some basement, now in any large city there are experienced and talented craftsmen working in this direction.

On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of Chicano tattoo designs for girls and guys, from which you can draw inspiration for your own tattoo idea. Despite the fact that traditionally only black paint was used in such works, tattooing is not an art form that requires strict adherence to the canons. However, if you overdo it with paints, the drawing may lose its zest. It is enough to make only a few bright accents, and you will become the owner of an original and bright tattoo.

Photo of Chicano head tattoo

Photo of chicano tattoo on the body

Photo of chicano tattoo on hand

Photo of chicano tattoo on the leg