» Leather » Skin care » Editor's Choice: La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Review

Editor's Choice: La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Review

Pimples, pimples, rashes, blackheads. No matter what you call your acne, having painful, aesthetically unpleasant blemishes on your face is exhausting to say the least. To keep the situation under control, we apply any number of acne cleansers, moisturizers, spot treatments, and more to the skin, say a little prayer and hope for the best. Unfortunately, the skincare gods don't always satisfy our desires for a clear and radiant complexion. To add insult to injury, pesky acne is not just a teenage problem that fades with age. Feeling defeated? We hear you. But before you give up the war on acne, we'd like to introduce you to a dual-action acne remedy that can lead you to victory. We got our hands on Effaclar Duo, a drugstore spot treatment from La Roche-Posay, to try and test. Keep reading to find out our review of La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo, its benefits, how to use it, and why acne-prone skin types shouldn't live without it.


According to the American Academy of Dermatology, adults can continue to develop acne in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s — aptly called adult acne — even if they were blessed with clear skin as a teenager. It most commonly appears in women as papules, pustules, and cysts around the mouth, chin, jawline, and cheeks. There is still no consensus among dermatologists as to why adult acne occurs more frequently in women than men, but the causes may be due to any of the following factors:

1. Fluctuations in hormone levels: Hormone imbalances that commonly occur in women during menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, or menopause can lead to increased sebaceous gland activity and subsequent breakouts.

2. Stress: According to the AAD, researchers have found a link between stress and acne outbreaks.

3. Bacteria: It's not a problem. When bacteria come into contact with your clogged pores, it can be catastrophic. That's why proper skin care is crucial, as well as keeping your sheets, pillowcases, cell phone, etc. clean. Also, stop touching your face with dirty fingers! 


Forget what you've heard - letting acne run its course is not always the best advice. And why should you? If you neglect your acne care and pick it instead, it can lead to skin discoloration or (worse still) permanent scars. Moreover, acne often causes serious damage to self-esteem. But don't worry, there are plenty of products, both prescription and over-the-counter, that can really make a difference. When it comes to acne products, there are a few ingredients to look out for. We list some of them below.

1. Benzoyl peroxide: This ingredient is a common active ingredient in acne products (Effaclar Duo is one of them), including cleansers, creams, gels, or pre-moistened wipes. Benzoyl peroxide, available over-the-counter in concentrations up to 10%, is effective in killing acne-causing bacteria. When used daily, this ingredient can control acne and reduce flare-ups.

2. Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid, also known as beta hydroxy acid, works by exfoliating the layer of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin that can clog pores. Like benzoyl peroxide, it is found in many different acne products, including cleansers, creams, facial scrubs, cleansing wipes, and cleansing pads.

For a list of additional acne-fighting ingredients to help you get rid of acne fast, read here!


By now you are probably wondering what is so special about Effaclar Duo. For starters, this is the first treatment to combine 5.5% micronized benzoyl peroxide, LHA, a bead-free micro-exfoliator, and hydrating and soothing skin care products. The oil-free formula is clinically proven to reduce the number and severity of acne, while also penetrating clogged pores to clear blackheads and whiteheads. Results? The skin looks clearer and smoother.

One of the very first things that caught my eye on the packaging of Effaclar Duo was that the product can reduce acne by up to 60 percent in just 10 days. Deciding to try it out on a few random pimples near my chin, I began my 10 day journey. With clean fingers, I applied half a pea-sized amount to my pimples before bed. The non-comedogenic formula is very smooth and absorbs quickly without leaving any unwanted residue. Day by day my acne became less and less noticeable. By the 10th day, they had not completely disappeared, but became less noticeable. In fact, I was seriously impressed with how Effaclar Duo was able to minimize the look so well. I had some drying effects and slight flaking, but I used less product and the problem was solved. Effaclar Duo is now my go-to product to help reduce the look of acne in less than two weeks!


Thoroughly cleanse the skin before applying Effaclar Duo. Cover the entire affected area with a thin layer one to three times a day. Because excessive drying of the skin may occur, start with one application per day and gradually increase to two or three times per day as tolerated or as directed by a licensed skin care professional. If you notice any dryness or flaking, reduce application to once daily or every other day.

Note. Many acne-fighting ingredients can make your skin more sensitive to light, so make sure you remember to apply that layer of sunscreen every morning! Not that you'll ever forget such an important skincare step!