» Leather » Skin care » Beauty Editor Tricks to Reduce the Look of Dark Circles

Beauty Editor Tricks to Reduce the Look of Dark Circles

When it comes to covering up dark circles, we love concealer as much as the other girls. Unfortunately, the benefits of concealer don't last long. To take away dark circles where it hurts the most, we're looking for more than just color correction and concealment. Below are eight trusted (and editor-approved!) tricks to help reduce the appearance of your dark circles once and for all. 

Trick #1: Don't rub your eyes

We know seasonal allergies can be bad for your eyes, but don't beat them to death with aggressive rubbing and tugging. Why? Because this friction can cause the area to look swollen and dark. In fact, you're better off keeping your hands away from your face altogether. 

Trick #2: Sleep on an extra pillow

When you sleep on your side or back, fluid can easily pool under your eyes and cause puffiness and more visible dark circles. A quick fix is ​​to prop your head up while you sleep by double-crossing on pillows. 

Trick #3: Sunscreen is a must 

Real talk: Excessive sun exposure does no good for your skin. In addition to an increased risk of sunburn, premature skin aging, and even some types of cancer, too much sun can also lead to under-eye circles that appear even darker than usual. Always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, but in case of dark circles, pay special attention to the area around the eyes. It's a good idea to buy sunglasses with UV filters to protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun, or even a stylish wide-brimmed hat.

Trick #4: Apply Eye Cream… Properly 

Eye creams and serums won't work as fast as, say, concealer to hide dark circles, but they're the best bet for long-term improvement. They also do a great job of moisturizing the delicate skin around the area, which is never a bad thing. Kiehl's Clearly Corrective Dark Circle Perfector SPF 30 is a great fast absorbing option for brightening under eye circles. Plus, the formula boasts SPF 30, which is great on days when you want to cut down on your daily routine a bit. But there's more to eye cream than a quick dab or two. Tips on how to properly apply eye cream can be found in this handy guide from a Skincare.com (and celebrity) esthetician!

Trick #5: Chill the area 

We're willing to bet that most beauty editors know about this trick. Put a spoon, cucumber slice, or tea bag in the freezer before bed. When you wake up, grab any of the items - ice cubes might work too! - and apply it directly to the area under the eyes. Not only is the sensation of cooling very refreshing, it can also help reduce swelling in a pinch through a process known as vasoconstriction. 

Trick #6: Remove Makeup Every Night

Not only is applying makeup around the eye area a bad idea for your sheets - hello black mascara spots! is also a bad idea for your skin health. At night, our skin undergoes self-healing, which is greatly hindered by thick cosmetics that do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, you may be left with a dull, lifeless complexion with obvious dark circles upon waking up. Be sure to gently remove all makeup before going to bed before using eye cream. A trick for lazy girls is to keep makeup wipes on the nightstand so you don't even have to go to the sink. Zero excuses!

Trick #7: Stay hydrated

The key to beautiful skin is to stay hydrated from within. This is not surprising, but dehydration can cause more visible dark circles and lines around the eye area. In addition to applying eye cream, be sure to drink the recommended amount of water daily.

Trick #8: Avoid Salt

It's no secret that salty foods, no matter how delicious they are, can lead to water retention, bloating and puffy skin. As a result, your under-eye bags can become inflamed and more visible after eating sodium-rich foods. To get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, consider changing your diet and eliminating salty foods if possible. The same goes for alcohol. Sorry guys…