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Gym Skin Care: Practice Skin Care

Break out after the gym? This is no reason to skip a sweat session! Follow these post-workout skincare tips to keep your complexion clear, fresh, and most importantly, blemish-free.


After intense exercise, a small amount of soap and water will not help. Sweat helps remove toxins that can clog pores and cause blemishes, but these buildups of toxins need to be wiped off the surface of the skin with a real cleanse. Grab your best cleanser and get to work! Choose a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide formula if you're particularly prone to breakouts. It's not a bad idea to use a tonic, for example Kiehl's Ultra Facial Toner— to ensure that every last inch of dirt is effectively wiped off.


Skip the shower after the gym? It's a big no-no. Take a shower immediately to get rid of all the sweat that has accumulated on your body. And for pretty obvious reasons, don't take a bath after your workout. Need more persuasiveness? Find out how skipping this step can lead to back and chest acne. here.


While your skin is still damp from your shower, apply a moisturizer to restore some of the lost moisture to your skin. Get the formula with hyaluronic acid- an ingredient known for its moisture-binding properties, such as Vichy Aqualia Thermal Hydration Rich Cream. It works by distributing water evenly to balance the skin and help retain water in all areas of the face. If you have oily skin and are worried about acne, try La Roche Posay Effaclar Mat. Enriched with antioxidant Vitamins C & E, it fights excess sebum and tightens pores for a subtle matte finish.  


Wow, acne on the body. Our chest, back and stomach are among the areas where sweat accumulates the most. To prevent the appearance of dreaded pimples and pimples on your body, blot your skin with a towel instead of rubbing it immediately after your workout. Then, before jumping into the shower, apply a mask to your entire body, such as The Body Shop Spa of the World Himalayan Charcoal Body Clay. The mask draws out impurities and toxins, helping to improve the appearance of skin below the shoulders.   


Makeup mixed with sweat and residual impurities? Bad idea. That's why it's highly recommended to remove your makeup before going to the gym. After you've finished exercising, wait at least 30 minutes before applying makeup to your face again.  


Your hands are exposed to a lot of germs and bacteria throughout the day, and possibly more after you spend time at the gym. Be sure to keep your hands away from your face to avoid cross-contamination and possible pimples.