» Leather » Skin care » Charlotte Palermino of Dieux Skin on starting a 'skincare congregation' and why you shouldn't obsess over achieving perfect skin

Charlotte Palermino of Dieux Skin on starting a 'skincare congregation' and why you shouldn't obsess over achieving perfect skin

It takes a lot more than just a pretty product to launch a successful skincare brand. To Charlotte Palermino, Co-founder Skin DieuxIt also requires honesty, understanding and nuance. She goes on to explain why building a skincare community is just as important as building effective product, gives us behind-the-scenes details about her infamous skincare-focused IGTVsand her tips for beginners beauty entrepreneurs

What was the concept behind Dieux Skin and what inspired you to create the brand? 

Ultimately, we want people to understand skin care. We don't want to scare you with misinformation or force you to buy our products, we want you to see what our product does and if it fits what you want, you can buy it. By talking about skincare nuances, marketing and formulas, we hope we're taking some leaps of faith from skincare.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I wake up and immediately brew coffee. From now on, my day swings between calls, content creation, and now that everything is open, I'm starting to see my friends again, which is truly one of the most exciting experiences of this year.

We really enjoy your informative IGTVs and videos - what do you like most about making these videos and connecting with your skincare audience in this way?

What first started with me learning and just sharing what I learned with anyone who wanted to listen has grown into this incredible community. People share with me their problems in understanding skin care. The fact that I can help people understand what works for them and what doesn't and relieve them of the stress of having "perfect skin" (which doesn't exist) is really incredible to me. Helping people understand this industry, their skin and less is more is exciting and motivating.

What does your personal skincare look like? And what's your favorite way to use Gods Forever Eye Masks и Liberation Serum?

Spray your face with water, Deliverance, Forever Eye Mask paired with Dr. Loretta Lifting Eye Gel, moisturizer (currently I like Soon Jung 2x Revitalizing Barrier Cream) and then SPF. I'm forever stan Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence, Too.

Double cleansing с Jordan Samuel Skin, Deliverance, 025% tretinoin, moisturizer, and in the evening, when there is no friction, I apply Aquaphor on the forehead, where it dries. My favorite way to use an eye mask is for eye care during eye makeup.

How has working on Dieux Skin influenced your life and what moment in your career are you most proud of?

I have become more patient. So many delays and unforeseen things can happen when launching a product that all I can do is show up, do my best and support my team and never take out my frustration on my team. I am so lucky and it is such a labor of love – I feel very grateful. The thoughtfulness and curiosity of our flock always confuse me. We are building such an inquisitive and kind community.

How do you see the future of Dieux Skin? 

We want to continue to listen to what people want from skin care, but also what contributes to the integrity of people's skin. Last year I got a license as a cosmetologist, and the main conclusion is that your skin is an organ, not a trend. What can we do to support and innovate skin care products that benefit the skin?

What advice would you give to aspiring beauty entrepreneurs?

Understand what niche you are in the space, find co-founders with different points of view and experience, and know that this is probably a good idea if you are intimidated.

Clearly, there is a lot of work to be done in the beauty industry this year regarding inclusion. Share with us some of your favorite beauty brands owned by Black and AAPI!

Same, topicals, Then I met you, Yu Beauty и Hanahana Beauty

And finally, what does beauty mean to you?

Understanding. Understanding what my body and skin needs, understanding what I need to do, understanding what I need and don't need, and recognizing that it's perfectly okay to want something a little vain or frivolous. Listening to yourself and trusting it. As I get older, I realize that I am a perpetual student, and this realization has given me confidence, which is wonderful in a way.