» Leather » Skin care » Stop popping pimples and follow these tips instead

Stop popping pimples and follow these tips instead

Due to the daily stressors of our lives, environmental aggressors, and good old genetics, there is a chance that you will develop a pimple at one point or another. When this happens, you, like many others, may have a sudden urge to open it. According to Dr. Engelman, this feeling is normal. "It's human nature to want to fix a problem, and popping a pimple can be pleasurable," she says. And while popping a pimple here and there may seem harmless, the truth is that it can make things worse. “The problem is that short-term positive emotions can have negative long-term consequences,” says Dr. Engelman. "If it's an open comedone that can be easily 'squeezed out' with clean and sanitized instruments, the rule of thumb is that if nothing comes out after three gentle pressures, you should leave it." Instead, visit your dermatologist, who can help you remove the pimple properly and with less risk of consequences, including infection, more visible pimples, or irreversible scarring.


This may sound silly since acne is by no means acne, but do you really know what causes your acne? According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the term "acne" actually dates back to Ancient Greece, from an ancient Greek word meaning "skin rash."". Your pores contain oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, all three of which are perfectly normal and were there before this pimple formed. When puberty occurs, your body begins to change in many ways. Your skin can start producing too much oil, and this oil, along with dead skin cells and bacteria, can clog pores and lead to acne. Since a prevention plan is better than a treatment plan, check out a few ways to prevent future breakouts.


Think of everything your hands have touched today, from subway poles to doorknobs. Chances are they're covered in germs that don't care about making contact with your pores. So do your skin a favor and refrain from touching your face. Even if you think your hands are clean, there is a good chance that you are not.


We've said it once and we'll say it again: don't forget to cleanse your skin daily. According to the AAD, it's ideal to wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild cleanser. Refrain from harsh rubbing as this can further irritate your pimples.


If you haven't yet incorporated oil-free skincare into your routine, now is the time to start. Those who are prone to breakouts especially can benefit from oil-free skin care and makeup products. Before buying, look for words such as "oil-free, non-comedogenic" and "non-acnegenic" on the packaging.

Do not overdo it

You may also see words like "benzoyl peroxide" and "salicylic acid" on the back of acne skin care products. Benzoyl peroxide is widely used in lotions, gels, cleansers, creams, and facial cleansers, as the ingredient can kill bad bacteria and work on oil and dead skin cells from your pores, while salicylic acid helps unclog pores. Both of these ingredients can help manage acne, but it's important not to overdo it. Carefully follow the instructions on the product packaging to avoid unwanted dryness and irritation.