» Leather » Skin care » Top winter skincare challenges (and how to deal with them!)

Top winter skincare challenges (and how to deal with them!)

Between record low temperatures and dry, arid climates - both indoors and out - many of us struggle with some of the most common winter skincare concerns. From dry patches and dull skin to a ruddy, reddish complexion, we'll share with you the top winter skin concerns and how you can help manage each one!

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1. Dry skin

One of the main skin concerns during the winter months is dry skin. Whether you experience it on your face, hands, or anywhere else, dry skin can look and feel uncomfortable. One of the main causes of dryness during the winter months is the lack of humidity, both indoors due to artificial heating and outdoors due to the climate. There are two ways to deal with dryness caused by a lack of moisture in the air. One is obvious: Moisturize frequently, but especially right after cleansing.

Wash your face and body, pat dry with a towel, and while the skin is still slightly damp, apply hydrating serums and moisturizers from head to toe. One moisturizer we love right now is Vichy Mineral 89. This beautifully packaged beauty booster contains hyaluronic acid and Vichy's exclusive mineral-rich thermal water to help give your skin light, long-lasting hydration.

Another dermatologist-approved tip is to get a small humidifier for the areas where you spend the most time. Think: your desk, your bedroom, next to that cozy sofa in the living room. Humidifiers can help combat dryness caused by artificial heat by putting much-needed moisture back into the air, which can help your skin retain moisture much better.

2. Dull skin

While we're on the topic of dryness, it's time to talk about the second winter skin problem that many of us have to deal with - dull skin tone. When our skin is dry during the winter, it can cause dead skin cells to build up on the surface of our face. Dry, dead skin cells do not reflect light the way new, hydrated skin cells do. What's more, they can even prevent your wonderful moisturizers from reaching the skin's surface and, in fact, prevent them from doing their job.

The best way to deal with them is peeling. You can opt for a physical exfoliation that uses a body scrub such as these new ones from L'Oreal Paris, which are formulated with sugar and kiwi seeds to help buff up dull skin. Or you can try my personal favorite chemical peel method. Chemical exfoliation eats away those dead skin cells that are on your skin, leaving you with a more radiant complexion that is ready to absorb moisture and more able to absorb it. One of my favorite chemical peel ingredients is glycolic acid. This alpha hydroxy acid, or AHA, is the most abundant fruit acid and comes from sugar cane. AHAs, such as glycolic acid, help remove dead skin cells and smooth the top layer of skin for a more radiant complexion.

On Skincare.com, the favorite for this are L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Bright Reveal Brightening Peel Pads. They come in comfortable pre-impregnated textured pads - only 30 per pack - and contain 10% glycolic acid to gently exfoliate the surface of your skin. I love them because they can be used every night after cleansing and before moisturizing the skin.

3. Chapped lips

Another skincare problem that inevitably crops up every winter? Dry, chapped lips. A dry climate combined with a cold climate and biting wind is a recipe for chapped lips. While licking them may provide some temporary relief, it will only make things worse. Instead, use a lip balm that has been formulated to soothe and hydrate dry lips, such as Biotherm Beurre De Levres, a volumizing and soothing lip balm. 

4. Red cheeks

Finally, the last winter skincare issue we often hear complaints about is a ruddy, red complexion that goes way beyond the healthy glow you can get when you rush out of your car to the store. Temperatures below zero and piercing winds can harm you. While protecting your face from the wind with a thick, warm scarf is a great way to prevent blushing in the first place, if you're already experiencing this, try a cooling, soothing mask designed to soothe your skin, like SkinCeuticals Phyto. Corrective mask. This intense botanical facial mask helps soothe temporarily reactive skin and contains highly concentrated cucumber, thyme and olive extracts, soothing dipeptide and hyaluronic acid. This is great because it cools down on contact, which immediately soothes skin that has been slightly burned by the wind. But I love it the most because it can be used in three different ways. As a leave-in moisturizer, wash-off face mask or night care.