» Leather » Skin care » One Skincare.com product that dermatologists unanimously love

One Skincare.com product that dermatologists unanimously love

If there is anyone you should get skincare advice from - and advice! So this is a dermatologist. Their vast knowledge and experience, when it comes to the largest organ of our body, is superior to anything else. So you better believe that when they talk, we listen. Recently, we asked our Skincare.com Consultant Dermatologists to share their favorite range of L'Oreal products they can't live without. *Adds everything to cart* (Did you miss it? It's not too late to catch up! Read this.)

However, there was one product that all three experts expressed their unconditional love for. As promised, we're here to announce the unanimous winner. It's - wait - SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic! We can't say we're too shocked by this - the Skincare.com editors were thrilled too - because it's a damn good serum. Editors and experts have praised its anti-aging properties as a fountain of youth.


Vitamin C serums are ideal for skin brightening, and when combined with SPF, they provide the best line of defense against damaging free radicals that can age skin prematurely. This formula—with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Ferulic Acid—has a massive edge with the scientific research and data backing it up, so it's no wonder it's the reigning champion. It also comes in an amber glass bottle to help keep the formula stable (Vitamin C preparations can break down when exposed to light).

Skincare.com Consulting Dermatologist Dr. Dandy Engelman applies CE Ferulic, the brand's supplements, to skin every morning to further protect skin from environmental aggressors. “Just 5 drops in the morning help boost my skin’s daily defense against pollution,” she says. Skincare.com Consulting Dermatologist Dr. Michael Kaminer will be the first to tell you that not all vitamin C products are created equal, but he would recommend CE Ferulic any day. “My patients love it too,” he says. Last but not least, Skincare.com Consulting Dermatologist Dr. Dhawal Bhanusali called this product his "antioxidant of choice" for his patients' post-procedure treatment regimens. But guess what, he puts it on his skin too. Can't say we blame him.

Want to learn more about vitamin C and its benefits? Here's everything you need to know!

SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic, $163