» Leather » Skin care » Men, here's how to do a luxurious home facial

Men, here's how to do a luxurious home facial

Whether you're a guy who's new to skincare or a beauty lover with your fair share men's goods Having already lined the shower, taking time to take care of yourself should be at the top of your to-do list. While grooming your beard and applying aftershave are probably already part of your daily routine, we urge you not to lose sight of the power of wellness. at home person. Complete with scrubs face masks and warm towels, a facial specifically designed for men's thicker skin and concerns can help you feel and look relaxed and rejuvenated. To find out how to do a luxurious men's facial at home, we turned to Sarah Healy, manager Baxter Finlay Barber and Shop in West Hollywood, California. Ahead, she takes it apart step by step using Baxter of California products. 

STEP 1: Set the mood 

Before moving on to your skin care products, create a relaxing atmosphere by lighting a candle (we love Candle Chiji Positive Vibes) by dimming the lights and turning on relaxing music. Healy also recommends preparing a fragrant hot towel to keep handy. “Using several wet washcloths, spray on each Baxter of California Shaving Toner, put it in a large ziplock bag and heat it up in the microwave for one to three minutes,” she says. 

STEP 2: Cleanse your face 

Use of warm water and Daily Facial Wash Baxter of California cleanse the skin of any impurities, oil and dirt. “Use a pea-sized amount of product and add a little water to create a lather effect,” Healy says. - Then rinse with warm water. 

STEP 3: Exfoliate 

Next? Take an exfoliating scrub, for example Facial scrub Baxter of Californiaand exfoliate dead skin cells. “As we age, our skin cells stop regenerating as quickly as they did when we were young,” Healy says. “To keep your pores clear and your skin looking fresh and healthy, you need to manually or chemically remove accumulated dead skin several times a week.” To do this with Baxter scrub, simply apply a small amount of scrub to your face. Then add water and rub in circular motions, avoiding the eye area. 

STEP 4: Detox with face mask

Once you've washed off your physical facial scrub, you have the option to upgrade your home facial with a chemical exfoliator such as Baxter of California Clay Mask. “Apply a generous amount of clay mask all over your face or just the T-zone area to remove dirt or oil from your pores,” Healy says. "Leave the mask on for 10 minutes before removing it with a warm washcloth." Feel free to include this mask in your weekly routine up to four times a week. 

STEP 5: Toning and processing

"Apply Baxter of California Mint Herbal Tonic on fresh, clean, moist skin,” says Healy. "For those with oilier skin, breakouts, or who just want the best skin in town, use Skin Concentrate with VHA once your skin is dry." 

STEP 6: Add eye cream

To help prevent wrinkles and fine lines, be sure to use an eye cream in both your home care and daily routine. "Apply a pea-sized amount Baxter of California Eye Cream in circular motions towards the nose and around the orbital bone in the eye area,” says Healy. "This will help to drain any fluid or puffiness around the eyes through the sinuses." She also suggests applying the product with the ring finger as it is the most gentle and won't tug sensitive skin. 

STEP 7: Apply moisturizer 

When you apply the mask on your face, your skin should feel clean and rejuvenated. To balance the potentially drying use of exfoliators, it's important to hydrate your skin with a moisturizer. Healy recommends using Baxter of California Oil-Free Moisturizer with SPF during the day and a moisturizer specifically designed for your skin type at night. “Dry, dehydrated or aging skin should use Baxter of California Super Shape Anti-Aging Cream," she says. “Any skin type, especially oily skin type, who likes a matte look should use Baxter of California Oil-Free Moisturizer all over the face." Then finish the deal by wrapping your face in one of the fragrant hot towels for the finishing touch. 

STEP 8: Don't Forget the Beard 

Bonus step! If you have a beard, a home facial is the perfect time to give it an extra boost. “Use a fast-absorbing, lightweight Baxter of California Beard Oil moisturize and condition not only your hair, but also the skin underneath, which is usually overlooked in all beard styles,” says Healy. "Vitamin E-enriched oil helps reduce skin irritation and also promotes healthy hair growth."