» Leather » Skin care » Myths about witch hazel debunked!

Myths about witch hazel debunked!

If you are a skin care enthusiast, you may have heard conflicting information about witch hazel. Some swear this ingredient is very drying and irritating to the skin, while others use witch hazel. Toner at least twice a day to help balance and tone their skin. So who's right? Well, the truth is that they are both, and that's because not all witch hazels are created equal. If you're still confused, don't worry. We debunk common myths and establish the truth once and for all.

MYTH 1: Witch hazel cleanses the skin of natural oils

Truth: It depends. Witch hazel can dry out your skin, depending on your skin type and how often you use it. The witch hazel extraction process has also caused eyebrows to lift because some of them require the use of alcohol, which can disrupt the skin's moisture barrier. However, not all witch hazel is made from alcohol. For example, Thayers is a brand known for their toners and face sprays, which contain alcohol-free witch hazel. The brand has developed a unique method of obtaining witch hazel that does not require the use of alcohol. Instead, a gentle maceration process is used, which is similar to brewing a cup of tea, explains Andrea Giti, Thayers marketing director. “Cuttings of witch hazel are delivered to a local factory and immersed in water,” she says. Thayers also formulates its products with aloe vera and glycerin to soothe the skin and counteract the signs of dryness that can occur. 

MYTH 2: Witch hazel is only for oily and acne-prone skin.

Truth: Witch hazel is often used by those with oily or acne-prone skin to clear the skin and eliminate excess sebum, but that doesn't mean it's just for those skin types. Anyone can reap the benefits of witch hazel, especially when it's combined in a formula with other skin-friendly ingredients that don't strip skin of moisture (see the Thayers toners mentioned above that help fight excess sebum and help balance skin's pH). Formulas with witch hazel and aloe vera soothe the skin and are suitable for all skin types. 

MYTH 3. Witch hazel is annoying 

Truth: Some witch hazel extracts can cause skin irritation because their extraction process creates a formula with eugenol, which is a potential skin irritant and allergen. But eugenol is an oil-soluble compound, and since Thayers uses a water-based extraction method, it is not present in Thayers formulas. 

MYTH 4: The tannins in witch hazel are bad for the skin. 

Truth: Tannins can actually be beneficial for skin care. Tannins belong to a group of compounds called polyphenols and can be found in witch hazel after the extraction process. They are often said to dry out some skin types, but that is because Thayers witch hazel is not distilled with alcohol and includes other skincare ingredients in their formulas.