» Leather » Skin care » Career Diaries: Tula Founder Roshini Raj Reveals How She Keeps Body and Skin Healthy

Career Diaries: Tula Founder Roshini Raj Reveals How She Keeps Body and Skin Healthy

I was still in college—before becoming a beauty editor—when I discovered Tula. The brand is known for its trendy bright blue packaging and striving to improve your skin use healthy dose of probioticsand I turned to it hoping to balance my skin once and for all. I started using Cleanser and miraculously my skin looks better than ever. Tula has since launched a series new products (more on the way!) and still holds a place in my heart and daily skin care. I spoke with the founder of Tula, Dr. Roshini Raj, to find out what inspired her to create the brand, her skin care for healthy skin and body, and much more. Read the interview, go ahead. 

Could you tell us a little about your career path? 

As the child of two doctors, I knew from an early age that I wanted to pursue a career in medicine. Not only was I interested in science, but I was raised to believe that your career should help people in the most direct way. After completing my medical degree at New York University (where I currently practice), I became fascinated with the microbiome and how this universe within our bodies affects our entire body. I continue to be amazed at the life-changing benefits of probiotics for the well-being of my patients and their skin, and now I can share this with the entire TULA community. 

What's the story with Tula? What inspired you to create the brand?

I was inspired to start taking TULA by my patients when I noticed how much better they looked and felt after taking probiotics. Often their skin was calmer and clearer, and I could tell they felt better before they had a chance to tell me so. I began researching the topical benefits of probiotics, and after research was found showing that probiotics have a proven ability to soothe and reduce skin inflammation, TULA was born. Our mission is to help women and men gain confidence by falling in love with their skin again, which is why TULA combines pure and effective ingredients with powerful probiotics and skin superfoods for healthy, balanced, glowing skin.

Where Does The Last Name Tula Come From? 

TULA means balance in Sanskrit. 

Can you tell us a little more about probiotics and what they do for your skin?  

I am a big believer in approaching beauty from within. A happy and healthy body will radiate beauty, and gut health has a huge impact on skin health. Probiotics are friendly, healthy, beneficial bacteria that work to improve your health - both inside and out. Probiotics act as a protective layer on the skin, locking in moisture for a more radiant, hydrated, and balanced appearance. Probiotics have been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of inflammation and may also help reduce the appearance of redness and irritation, helping to improve clear, toned skin. Probiotics help protect skin from aging-accelerating environmental factors and free radicals that can contribute to fine lines and wrinkles. People with all skin types—sensitive, dry, oily, or acne-prone—are likely to see an improvement in complexion when probiotics are administered (topically or orally, ideally both!) 

Can you tell us about your own skincare routine? 

I always try to feed my body with nutrient-dense whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fermented foods, and lean protein sources. I also take supplements including fish oil and the TULA Daily Probiotic Skin Health Complex.

I like to start my morning with a half hour of stretching and meditation to set the tone for the day. My morning routine aims to be efficient, so I use TULA Purifying Cleanser to remove dirt and pore-clogging debris from my skin and then Proglycol PH Gel и Aqua Infusion Gel Cream for hydration. I love using our new Facial Filter Primer to perfectly prep my skin for a light makeup application.

If I have make-up after filming, I start my evening skin care with Kefir Cleansing Oilwhich gently removes my makeup and gives me a blank canvas to start my skin care regimen. I follow this with TULA's purifying cleanser. After my face is washed and dried, I like to massage my face with a jade roller to improve circulation and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I usually follow Serum for deep wrinkles, Our Night rescue treatment on my face and Revitalizing eye cream around my eye area. After moisturizing, I spritz my face with rose water and rub the excess into my skin to add an extra layer of hydration.

I try to do a face mask at least twice a week - TULA Kefir Ultimate Revitalizing Mask it's my favorite thing to do - and indulge in a hot bath from time to time. Self-care is an extremely important but overlooked part of a healthy lifestyle.

What is your favorite Tula product?

I could never choose just one! I love that all of our formulations are pure and effective and are designed to improve skin health by adding beneficial bacteria to your skin. If I can't take all my regimen with me, I have to say that I like our new Blur & Moisturizing Face Primer with Filter и Glow & Get It Eye Balm

Where do you hope to see the brand in ten years?

It's been an amazing journey so far and I love watching the TULA community grow. Our brand is about encouraging people to live the healthiest and most confident lives possible, so we will always be focused on how we can create opportunities for wellness and healthy lifestyles. We are currently working on several projects that focus on confidence and I'm especially excited to see them come to fruition.