» Leather » Skin care » What type of acne do you have? Take this quiz to find out

What type of acne do you have? Take this quiz to find out

Acne it's a pain to deal with, but fortunately once you figure it out acne type you have, it becomes much easier to treat and prevent it. Take this quiz and find out what type of breakouts you have comedones to the cysts, plus our favorite acne fighting products help clear the skin. 

What is your skin type?

a. Combination

b. Dry

in. fatty

d. Normal

What do your breakouts look like?

a. Black dots

b. Red or flesh-colored bumps with white spots

in. Painful red bumps with or without visible pus

e. Hard red bumps

What worries your skin the most?

a. clogged pores

b. Redness

in. Painful inflammation

d. Texture

If you answered... mostly like

Do you have blackheads?

If you have small blackheads on your pimples, this is called comedones. They get their black color from oxidized melanin, the pigment in our skin. dirt - that's why no matter how you clean, they won't wash off. To get rid of blackheads and prevent future recurrence, choose oil-free skin care products. We also recommend regularly cleansing your face with a mild exfoliating face wash that contains salicylic acid, such as Vichy Normaderm PhytoAction Daily Deep Cleansing Gel

If you answered... mostly B

Do you have whiteheads?

Whiteheads are small red or flesh-colored spots with a white bump in the center. They are the result of clogged pores and are sometimes referred to as closed comedones. To get rid of whiteheads, focus on absorbing excess sebum and using beta-hydroxy acids to gently exfoliate and open pores. We like Skinceuticals Silymarin CF, a serum with vitamin C and salicylic acid that brightens the skin and fights acne. 

If you answered... mostly Cs

Do you have cystic acne?

cysts painful, inflamed, pus-filled bumps deep under the skin. They can be difficult to treat and require a product with a high concentration of acne-fighting ingredients. La-Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Acne Spot Treatment contains 5.5% benzoyl peroxide as well as salicylic acid for a two-pronged approach to fighting acne. 

If you answered... mostly D

Do you have papules

Small hard red bumps are called papules and are an early stage of a pimple. They happen when bacteria, oil, and dirt get into your pores. To keep your pores clean, use a salicylic acid cleanser, such as CeraVe Acne Cleanser, which contains 2% ingredient to fight acne without tightening the skin.

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