» Leather » Skin care » How to Organize a Skin Care Refrigerator for Instagram Success

How to Organize a Skin Care Refrigerator for Instagram Success

High on the list of must-haves for many beauty lovers is a cute skin care fridge they can call theirs to store their foggy face, stock sheet masks and chill it jade roller for a cooling self-care session. Aside from the actual soothing feeling of applying cold skincare to overheated or irritated skin, some products actually work better when chilled. With these facts in mind, you probably already have a clear idea of ​​what you need to store in your future skin care refrigerator. Now check out our tips on how to organize your refrigerator in the most efficient (and "grammable") way.

TIP #1: Choose a fridge that has room for your favorite foods

When looking for the perfect skin care refrigerator, keep in mind what foods you hope to store inside. For example, if you're going to store a lot of tall foods in the fridge, make sure you choose a leather care fridge with a removable shelf in the middle. And if you plan on storing your favorite sheet masks, choose a mask with a side pocket to keep them upright. We love two solid options: Kululi Mini Fridge и Makeup Refrigerator.

Tip #2: Don't overdo it

While it may be tempting to cram each of your cooling products into your skin care fridge, we advise you to keep things simple. Don't keep two products of the same type - just keep the essentials you'll need for complete skin care. We recommend a cooling facial spray, several different sheet masks, exfoliating pads, a serum, and a moisturizer.

TIP #3: Make sure your most used products are easily accessible

This tip is for those of you who encounter fog more than ten times a day. If you know you'll be reaching for one or two foods more than others, organize your refrigerator so you can grab them easily without moving all the food inside.

TIP #4: Create your aesthetic

If you just rolled your eyes at us, that's okay, we'll accept it - but before you completely dismiss our idea, think about how excited you'll feel every time you open your skin care fridge to discover an ordered, aesthetically pleasing array of products. products. Opt for a minimalist look with fuss-free product selection, opt for a monochrome display of your products, or take care to only chill your travel-sized products so you can comfortably fit more inside. Perhaps you are an ardent fan of a particular brand of skin care products. Dedicate your skin care fridge to a brand and in turn become an unofficial brand influencer - just be sure to tag them when posting on the "gram".

TIP #5: Dare to be different

We've all come across the traditional mini fridge, but what about a fridge that opens up from the top so you can easily reach your favorite foods. One of the alternative ideas for a refrigerator, in particular, is a refrigerated cosmetic bag from Botiglu. It's sleek, professional, and definitely gives a traditional refrigerator an edge for the money.