» Leather » Skin care » How coconut oil can benefit your skin

How coconut oil can benefit your skin

If you're looking for a product that can seemingly do everything, look no further than inside your kitchen cabinets. That's right, the coconut oil you use in your favorite recipes can also be used for skin. Though, with all the hype around this oil on social media, we're pretty sure you already knew about it. Let Mother Nature create one amazing versatile substance that makes us wonder how we ever lived without it. And, wellAlthough it cannot solve every problem, coconut oil can benefit the skin in several ways, and we list some of them below: 

humidifying power plant

Of all the skin care benefits, coconut oil is touted as providing natural source of moisture perhaps the most famous and widely accepted. The combination of saturated fats in coconut oil is one of the reasons why it hydrates the skin and can even help retain that moisture on the skin's surface. Do you have a dry spot on your skin that doesn't seem to be moving? Try coconut oil! But remember, a little bit of coconut oil goes a long way.

Antioxidants to fight free radicals

Another benefit of everyone's—well, almost everyone's—favorite oil? Vitamin E. This nutrient-rich vitamin is a well-known antioxidant that can help skin fight environmental factors like free radicals and pollution. Although you still need Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily To prevent sun damage, try adding coconut oil to your daily routine!

What to look for

When using coconut oil for cosmetic purposes, you should look for one that is in its purest form - which means it must be cold-pressed, 100% non-GMO, and not bleached, refined, deodorized, or hydrogenated. 

Want to use even more oils in your skincare? We share complete guide here!