» Leather » Skin care » Is there a link between birth control pills and acne? Dermatologist explains

Is there a link between birth control pills and acne? Dermatologist explains

It may sound like a nightmare, but (thankfully) this imbalance is usually not permanent. “Over time, the skin normalizes,” says Dr. Bhanusali. In addition, there are healthy habits that will help your skin regain its euphoric glow.


In addition to maintaining regular skin care, Bhanusali suggests using products with acne-fighting ingredients such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxideinto your routine and use them twice a day. “For women who develop acne shortly after stopping birth control pills, I usually recommend using an exfoliating cleanser to combat excess sebum,” says Bhanusali. “Another good option is to use a cleansing brush once or twice a week for added benefits,” he says. Follow lightweight skin moisturizer

Keep in mind that not all skin is the same and there is no one size fits all solution. In fact, it's possible that your skin may not suffer adverse reactions as a result of not taking the pill (if so, you're in luck!). When in doubt, consult a dermatologist for an individualized treatment plan.