» Leather » Skin care » Career Diaries: How frequent traveler Misty Reich turned her skin care concerns into a travel line

Career Diaries: How frequent traveler Misty Reich turned her skin care concerns into a travel line

When it comes to packing for the tripskin care itself can take up a lot of time and space. Between decanting into containers that are TSA compliant and looking for foods that will help you stay hydrated and get rid of holiday stains, a lot can go wrong. But what if there were skin care products specifically designed to make traveling easy and keep your skin happy and healthy while you travel? Misty Reich, founder of a new skin care brand 35 thousand intended to do just that with her new collection multipurpose products that everything fits into Cosmetic bag approved by TSA

Company vegan line (which is partially out today!) includes a cleanser that can be used as a facial mask, a hydrating toning spray, a tinted serum with sunscreen, a volumizing moisturizer, and a dual-ended moisturizing balm. Below, she talks about the science behind the brand and what inspired her to help women excel in their skin and in life. 

What inspired you to create 35 Thousand?

I was inspired to solve my own problem. I used to travel all the time on errands and always struggled with my skin. No matter how well I traveled, I could never break down my essential skin care fluids in a bag and still have room for foundation and other things. I've tried all the decanter tools and never found a great solution. So I started asking, "Can I do something for myself?" Then the people I talked to just snowballed and said I should start my own skincare line.

What was the most important thing for you in creating formulas?

Even before we started creating formulas, I did a lot of research. I collaborated with the Department of Dermatology at Newcastle University and Professor Mark Burch-Machin who specialize in molecular skin care. He developed this swab that removes the top layer of skin cells so he can evaluate your skin's mitochondrial DNA and your skin's health. So, we took 28 flight attendants who were assigned to long-haul flights and did a qualitative survey for them - we asked them a few questions about what they do with their skin at home and then during flights. We then asked them to check their skin at the beginning and end of the flight period. We looked for the most extreme situation our skin is exposed to so we can develop a formula for that environment. We knew that if our products worked in this situation, they would work everywhere.

Therefore, when we developed formulas, the most important thing was efficiency. I love skincare - it's my hobby. I love really effective skin care products, and I especially like skin care products that give immediate results and also improve skin over time. So that was point number one: the formulas had to be highly effective and immediate, but they also had to improve my skin over time. 

Did you originally plan for the products to be multi-purpose?

No, not initially. This happened when we started playing with products and really challenged ourselves to use them in different ways at home. For example, I left Smart Cleansing Balm as a night mask and when I woke up in the morning I was like, “Wow, my skin looks so good!” It really came to light through product play, which is when we decided we had to push the boundaries of the line. 

What is your favorite product from the collection so far?

I would say All-in-One Day Serum. There isn't a day that I don't wear it. It was so difficult to create the formula because I wanted it to be somewhere between a moisturizer and a serum. It's super lightweight, contains all the SPF minerals, and leaves no white residue on the skin. To be honest, I was not sure that we would succeed, but it's great. So this is my favorite today. 

What really sets 35 Thousand apart from other skincare brands?

I think this is our mission. It is much more than products. We want women to feel a little more confident, a little more focused, a little more capable and a little more ready to push the envelope, that's what it's all about. We plan to set aside 10% of our profits to help the next generation of women get to work. Our plan is to create a mentoring program that will provide women who are just starting their careers and have never been in a corporate environment with big sister-like mentors to show them what their career path looks like. 

Do you have any advice for women who also want to create their own brand - beauty or not beauty?

Don't believe everything you think. As women, we are prone to self-sabotage - sometimes our mind can be a dangerous neighbor. So keep your goal in perspective and don't let your own thoughts lead you astray.

What are your favorite skincare trends right now?

Home devices. I just think they keep getting better and better. I love microcurrent and dermaplaning [products]. My current obsession LED OmniLux Contour Face. This is a really intense LED mask and I have seen amazing results with it.