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Derm DMs: what is glycolic acid?

Glycolic acid You've probably seen it on the back of many cleansers, serums, and skin care gels.you have in your collection. We can't seem to avoid this ingredient, and there's a good reason, according to a board-certified dermatologist,Michelle Farber, MD, Schweiger Dermatology Group. We consulted with her beforehand about what this acid actually does, how to use it, and how best to incorporate it into your regimen.

What is glycolic acid?

According to Dr. Farber, glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and acts as a gentle exfoliator. "It's a small molecule," she says, "and it's important because it helps it penetrate deeper into the skin and work more efficiently." Like other acids, it brightens the appearance of the skin by removing the dead skin layers that live on top.

While all skin types can use glycolic acid, it may work best on oily and acne-prone skin. "It's harder to tolerate when you have dry or sensitive skin," says Dr. Farber. If this sounds like you, stick to products that contain it in lower percentages or reduce the frequency with which you use it. On the other hand, glycolic acid is very effective at evening out skin tone and reversing discoloration, so people with acne-prone skin usually respond well to it.

What is the best way to include glycolic acid in your daily routine?

There are many ways to incorporate glycolic acid into your daily skincare routine, as it is found in cleansers, serums, toners, and even peels. "If you're prone to dryness, a product with a lower percentage of about 5%, or one that rinses off, is more acceptable," says Dr. Farber. "A higher percentage (closer to 10%) leave-in can be used for normal to oily skin." Some of our favorites includeSkinceutical Glycolic 10 Renew Night Treatment иNip & Fab Glycolic Fix Daily Cleansing Pads for weekly use.

“When used properly, glycolic acid is a great supplement to help even out pigmentation and skin tone, minimize the appearance of fine lines, and fight the signs of skin aging,” adds Dr. Farber.