» Leather » Skin care » What is psoriasis? And how to treat it

What is psoriasis? And how to treat it

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 7.5 million people in the United States suffer from psoriasis. Although this general skin condition, it can be difficult to treat. Whether you've been diagnosed with psoriasis or suspect you have it, you probably have some questions. Can it be cured? Where on the body to do red, flash take place? Can it be treated with over-the-counter products? For answers to these questions and more, continue reading our psoriasis guide below.  

What is psoriasis?

The Mayo Clinic defines psoriasis as a chronic skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. These cells, which accumulate on the surface of the skin at an abnormally high rate, form the scaly and red patches that are often characteristic of psoriasis. Some people find these thick, scaly patches to be itchy and sore. The outer side of the elbows, knees, or scalp are some of the most commonly affected areas, but psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body, from the eyelids to the arms and legs.

What causes psoriasis?

The cause of psoriasis is not fully understood, but scientists have found that genetics and immune system function contribute to its development. What's more, there are certain triggers that can trigger the onset or flare-up of psoriasis. These triggers, according to the Mayo Clinic, may include but are not limited to infections, skin injuries (cuts, scrapes, insect bites, or sunburn), stress, smoking, excessive drinking, and certain medications.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

There are no set signs and symptoms of psoriasis, as everyone can experience it differently. However, common signs and symptoms may include red patches of skin covered in thick scales, dry, cracked skin that is prone to bleeding, or itching, burning, or soreness. A dermatologist can usually tell if you have psoriasis simply by examining your skin. There are several different types of psoriasis, so your dermatologist may request a skin biopsy to be examined under a microscope for further clarification.

How is psoriasis treated?

The bad news is that psoriasis is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. However, you may have a flare-up for a few weeks or months and then it goes away. There are also certain foods that can help control symptoms during a flare-up. Talk to your dermatologist about a treatment plan that's right for you. Of the over-the-counter products that can help relieve psoriasis, we love the CeraVe psoriasis line. The brand offers a cleanser and moisturizer for psoriasis, each containing salicylic acid to combat redness and flaking, niacinamide to soothe, ceramides to repair the skin barrier, and lactic acid to gently exfoliate. Both products are non-comedogenic and fragrance-free.