» Leather » Skin care » What do pimples on the scalp mean?

What do pimples on the scalp mean?

If our acne were compared to a relationship, it would be an ex-boyfriend we hope never to cross paths with again. Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee that pesky pimples - and former ones alike - won't rear their heads one day just in time to ruin our mood badly. Not only is no one immune from acne, no area of ​​the skin is immune from a ruthless attack… even the scalp. That's right, scalp pimples are a thing, and they're painful, annoying, and that's about all you wish you didn't have to deal with. But what causes acne on the scalp? More importantly, what is the best course of action to kick them to the curb? To find out, we turned to board certified dermatologist and Skincare.com consultant Dr. Dhawal Bhanusali. Keep reading to find out why you might be suffering from scalp acne and how to help control these spots!   


Similar to acne on the rest of the body, scalp acne occurs when the pores become clogged with dirt and sebum. This can be due to a number of factors, including overactive sebaceous glands, surface debris such as styling product or shampoo residue, and excessive sweating. The blockage in the follicle can then become infected by bacteria and… you know what happens after that. These pustules can be incredibly annoying, especially when you touch your scalp or comb your hair. “Acne on the scalp can also be caused by folliculitis,” says Dr. Bhanusali. "Or even yeast hypersensitivity, a condition known as seborrheic dermatitis."

How to deal with acne on the scalp

Now that we know why scalp acne can occur, it's important to know how to manage the symptoms. Luckily, scalp pimples are fairly easy to hide, but that doesn't make them any less of a nuisance. It is also one of the more difficult skin problems as the hair can trap dirt and oil next to the scalp. Also, since most pimples are covered in strands of hair, it makes it even more difficult to see improvement. But don't worry. There are good practices that will help get rid of acne on the scalp. Step one: visit a dermatologist. “The key is to see a dermatologist early and get treatment if necessary,” says Dr. Bhanusali. “It can prevent the condition from worsening or even scarring!” Since scalp pimples can be caused by a number of factors, it is a good idea to seek professional advice beforehand. Your dermatologist may be willing to provide you with a combination of oral and topical medications depending on the underlying cause. In addition, be sure to follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hair and scalp regularly, especially after training or sweating.


Your first reaction to a pimple may be to reach for benzoyl peroxide, but you don't want to use it on your scalp as it can potentially bleach your hair. If you're struggling with scalp acne, try to avoid oily styling products or dry shampoos, which can clog pores. Consider switching to a gentle cleansing shampoo formula free of irritants. Make sure all residue is washed off, especially before bed.