» Leather » Skin care » 5 skin areas you probably forget to take care of

5 skin areas you probably forget to take care of

The face gets all the attention when it comes to skin care. How could it not be? It occupies a prominent position at the top of your entire body, eyes, mouth and everything else. But remember, the rest of the skin also needs tender love and care. If you find yourself favoring facial skincare, we're here to remind you of the less important areas of your skin that you need to pay more attention to.


In the era of "technological neck" neck skin care important as ever. Along with your face, your neck is where signs of aging tend to be most visible. Over time, the skin on the neck can lose water as well as its elasticity, causing it to sag and become wrinkled. strong neck. Pay attention to your neck, wash it as thoroughly as you would your face. Also make sure you moisturize and shape anti aging neck care which includes a broad spectrum sunscreen. 


Acne on chest can be a common and unattractive situation. Since your breasts are prone to clogged pores from sweat and other impurities, it's important that you take proper body care products. breast skin care. This means cleansing the breasts to keep out the dirt and impurities that can lead to clogged pores and acne. Whatever you do, give in to temptation pop those pimples. 


Due to insufficient moisture, the elbows can become very dry, rude or even cracked. Compared to other areas of your body, elbows are perhaps the most neglected when it comes to skin care. It may be their location or simply that they are one of the smallest patches of skin in general, but the skin on the elbows should not be overlooked nonetheless. Try to moisturize often.


Dry feet can present more than one problem. Besides the fact that they can itch a lot from time to time, areas of the skin that lack moisture or proper exfoliation become harder to shave. ITo keep the skin on your legs soft and smooth, try buying a shaving cream that will help keep your skin moisturized while you shave. Make sure you also thoroughly cleanse your feet to exfoliate and then apply a moisturizer to keep your feet from looking dry.    


Your derryèthe concern probably revolves around squatting on Gym or find the perfect fit for your jeans. But sweat mixed with tight pants can cause the skin on the buttocks to become blotchy. To prevent acne on the buttocks, take into account the fit of your clothes and your hygiene. If you think the clothes are too tight, buy clothes that are the right size or looser. Similarly, if you neglected to thoroughly wash this area, take a little more time to cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and repeat. You'll thank us when bikini season hits.