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10 simple skin care tips for men

Here's how things are. Women are traditionally more likely to spend a lot of time perfecting the appearance of their skin. Some will obsess over a small blemish or dark spot, while others will flip through countless articles teaching them how to hide annoying dark circles. Of course, there are exceptions to every story, but the moral of this story is that many men prefer the simple over the complex when it comes to skin care. With that in mind, we were looking for basic skin care tips that men can easily follow. Here are 10 skin care tips for men recommended by dermatologists.


Guys, throw away the bar of soap. Regular bar soap can often contain harsh ingredients that can dry out the skin. Instead, wash your face daily with a mild facial cleanser. Certified Dermatologist, Founder Dermatology and laser group, and Skincare.com consultant Dr. Arash Ahavan suggests exfoliating your skin twice a day. Always rinse with warm water (not hot!) and blot - don't rub - dry with a washcloth. Take a shower after your workout to wash away any sweat and bacteria left on your skin. If you can't get in the shower right away, quickly wipe your face with the cleansing wipes you keep in your gym bag. This small step can help keep post-workout acne causing bacteria at bay


Yes, any cleanser or moisturizer is easier to pick up off the shelf at the pharmacy without even looking at it. However, this is not a smart move. Skin care products should always be suitable for your specific skin type so that they can work most effectively for you. If you have acne prone skin, scan label for words like "non-comedogenic" so you can be sure it won't clog your pores. For sensitive skin, stay away from formulas with potential irritants such as astringents or fragrances.

Oily skin types should use products that are oil-free and dry with a matte finish. And finally, dry skin types should look for moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides.


Are you prone to irritation, razor burn and/or ingrown hairs? Maybe it's time to change the blade and change the technique. For some men, multi-blade razors are too harsh. Try a razor with one or two blades and make sure your skin doesn't stretch as you shave. Before the act, wet your skin and hair to soften them a little. Lather up the shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth. Rinse with a razor each time and discard a dull blade immediately (after about five to seven shaves) to reduce the risk of irritation. Follow aftershave gel or balm to soothe and hydrate the area.


A common misconception is that only dry skin needs extra hydration. All skin needs moisture, even oily ones! A moisturizer can not only hydrate the skin but also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and make skin look younger. After washing, showering, or shaving, apply moisturizer to face and body while skin is still damp. 


Unfortunately, no one is immune from skin cancer. But if detected early, skin cancer is treatable. In addition to visiting a dermatologist for an annual skin examevery few weeks, scan your skin for new or suspicious moles or lesions. Any spots or moles that itch, bleed, or change color should be examined by a professional.


Speaking of sun exposure, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, these can all be signs of aging that not only women have to deal with. To prevent sun damage that can cause premature signs of skin aging, apply broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF 15 or higher to all exposed skin before going outside. You can also choose moisturizer with SPF. Be sure to repeat the procedure every two hours. It's smart to invest in protective clothing, hats, sunglasses, and more to further protect your skin. 

TIP #7: Invest in a Retinol Cream

At the moment we know that creams with retinol can provide a wide range of skin benefits. Dr. Ahavan considers this ingredient a must. “Retinol remains the most impressive over-the-counter ingredient in terms of effectiveness. anti-aging action," He says. "A little goes a long way with this powerful ingredient, and side effects include sun sensitivity and irritation with overuse, but if you use a retinol cream for a long time, your skin will gradually get used to it." If you're dealing with wrinkles and fine lines, Dr. Ahavan lists retinol as one of the best over-the-counter ingredients to help prevent and eliminate them.


Facial serums are a great way to incorporate valuable ingredients into your daily skincare routine. There are serums that can reverse signs of aging, tone, texture, and more. “Some serums are also very hydrating for the skin, with an immediate positive effect on the skin,” says Dr. Ahavan. For list our favorite face serums for men, click here! 


otslaivanie vital for everyone, regardless of skin type. Doing this regularly helps remove dead skin cells from the surface that can cause rough texture, resulting in smoother skin. Choose a physical exfoliator (like a scrub) or a chemical exfoliator (like an acid) depending on your skin type and preferences. Follow the directions on the product packaging for how often to use it.


In addition to regular at-home skin care, talk to your skin care provider about in-office treatments, such as facials or lasers, that can help you resolve your concerns. Combining holistic skin care with in-office care can often produce good results.