» Sexuality » Tablets "After" - characteristics, action, side effects

Tablets "After" - characteristics, action, side effects

The po pill is used when another method of contraception has failed (for example, a condom has broken), rape has occurred, or in a state of elation caused by not using any method of contraception, and the chance of conception is high.

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1. Characteristics of the tablet "after"

PO pills, or emergency contraception, contain a high dose of progestogens that prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. Using a po tablet causes bleeding and the fertilized cell is removed from the body.

Some consider the pill "by" abortive. However, this is not the case, because although it acts after fertilization, it still occurs before implantation, which is considered the start of pregnancy. Abortive measures are those that work after implantation, i.e. terminate an existing pregnancy.

2. When should I take the pill?

The po tablet should be taken within 72 hours of an emergency. Only then can an unwanted pregnancy be prevented. To do this, go to the gynecologist and ask to write prescription for pills "after".

3. How does the "after" pill work?

72 hours tablet "after" already acts on the zygote, although it has not yet had time to gain a foothold in the uterus. The tablet contains a large dose of progestogen, which prevents implantation of a fertilized cell in the uterus. The hormone causes bleeding and is excreted from the body. A woman must take this tablet "by" within 72 hours of intercourse.

4. Side effects of the pill "after"

The “po” tablet is not indifferent to the body. The Po pill causes a hormonal storm, disrupts the menstrual cycle and stresses the liver. Therefore, it cannot be used like regular birth control pills. Women take the pill for 72 hours, usually in so-called emergencies such as a broken condom or rape

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5. Pill and intrauterine device

Role contraception after intercoursejust like the “po” tablet, it can also be used with an intrauterine device inserted no later than 3-4 days after intercourse. It can stay in the uterus for 3-5 years. The insert prevents the implantation of the egg - the copper ions released by it destroy the spermatozoon and the fertilized egg, the released hormones thicken the mucus, which prevents the movement of the spermatozoa.

Use of inserts other than "after" tabletshowever, the risk of adnexitis and ectopic pregnancy may increase, there is a risk of prolapse or dislocation of the IUD, the risk of uterine perforation and damage to the intestines or bladder during insertion, vaginal bleeding, soreness.

It is not recommended for inflammation of the appendages, cervix, vagina, malformations of the uterus, irregular shape of the uterine cavity, bleeding from the genital tract (except for menstruation), too heavy menstruation, cervical cancer.

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Article reviewed by an expert:

Magdalena Bonyuk, Massachusetts

Sexologist, psychologist, adolescent, adult and family therapist.