» Sexuality » Pills the next day - price, action, side effects, CT decision

Pills the next day - price, action, side effects, CT decision

Emergency, emergency, crisis, and rescue contraception are other terms for next day pills that are used after intercourse. It is a form of pregnancy protection when other forms of protection have failed. How much does the tablet cost the next day, when can it be used and how does it work? What are the side effects of the pills the next morning? Are there any contraindications to its use? What is the difference between emergency contraception and abortion pills?

Watch the video: "Prescription Only Pills"

1. What is the tablet for the next morning?

The day after the pill, i.e. the morning after pill lub EC - emergency contraception emergency contraceptionthe purpose of which is to create conditions that prevent fertilization. The tablet does not lead to miscarriage and does not endanger the embryo already implanted in the uterus.

In Poland, there are two types of tablets in the morning after meals, both are available exclusively. on prescription. It is prescribed when another method of contraception fails during intercourse, the woman was raped, or she forgot to take the birth control pill. The drug is used once, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle.

There are two main pills "after" - Escapelle I am EllaOne.

2. The price of the tablet the next day

Prices for goods vary depending on their type. The pill the day after EllaOne costs money 90-120 PLN. However, you have to pay for Escapelle from from 35 to 60 PLN. At any pharmacy cost of emergency contraception may be slightly different, it is worth checking it in the next few paragraphs and choosing the most favorable one.

3. How do the pills work the next day after work?

Tablet the day after Escapelle consists of synthetic progesterone, which suppresses ovulation when taken just before ovulation. Then in the body of a woman there are no conditions for fertilization. At the same time, the hormone changes the structure of the uterine lining so that the embryo cannot implant in it.

The tablet the next day does not have an abortive effect, if the pregnancy has already begun to develop, it will not stop it. Take an Escapelle (aka Levonelle) tablet within 72 hours of having sex. However, the second type, i.e. tablet the day after EllaOne works differently.

The active substance ulipristal acetate prevents the release of an egg from the ovaries. In addition, it also causes changes in the uterus, which greatly complicate the implementation of the ovum. EllaOne will work after completing the course 120 hours after intercourse.

Remember that the pills the next morning are most effective within 24 hours of intercourse. It is estimated that 98% will protect against pregnancy during this time. If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after swallowing the drug, another dose should be taken.

4. When to take the tablet the next day?

The pill the next morning is not a method of contraception. It was created for use in special, emergency circumstances. A prescription for a tablet the next day should only be written in the following situations:

  • unprotected intercourse,
  • condom break,
  • condom slips off
  • improper use of birth control pills,
  • sexual intercourse on fertile days without contraception,
  • too late removal of the penis during intermittent intercourse,
  • removing the contraceptive patch
  • expulsion of the intrauterine device,
  • improper use of contraceptive pessaries,
  • injection of norethisterone more than 14 days late,
  • late estrogen injection,
  • late progesterone injection
  • rape.

The next day, the EllaOne tablet reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, after taking it, this form of protection should be abandoned for 5 days. This also eliminates the risk of unwanted interactions. On the other hand, women who regularly use birth control pills should opt for Prevenelle.

The next day, Escapelle is also recommended for breastfeeding, but less frequently than every 3 hours. The next day, you can return to using traditional hormonal pills.

Recommended by our experts

5. How often can I take the tablets the next day?

po tablets should only be used in emergency situations and should not be used as a method of contraception. Taking pills is justified only if a condom breaks during intercourse, if you forget to take birth control pills, or if you have been raped. Taking more pills than recommended by the manufacturer leads to serious hormonal disorders.

For example, stomach pain is a side effect of taking a pill.

6. Side effects of the pill the next day

A pill the next day can cause many diseases that are usually not serious and do not require medical advice. If they are very tired, you should contact a specialist. Side effects that may appear within hours of taking the pill the next day include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • feeling broken,
  • feeling of swelling in the body
  • breast tenderness
  • chest pain
  • fatigue,
  • mood swings
  • muscle pain,
  • back pain,
  • pain in the pelvis.
  • hives
  • itchy skin
  • swelling of the face.

The morning tablet may also have effects that appear later, including:

  • painful menstruation,
  • delay of menstruation by more than a week,
  • bleeding between periods
  • hormonal disorders.

In some women, after taking the pill, the day after the onset of bleeding for 7 days. Some people wait a lot longer for this, and sometimes it is much more painful than before. Taking the pill multiple times the next day can completely disrupt the menstrual cycle.

7. Who should not take pills the next day?

In some situations, it may be dangerous to take the pill the next day. Talk to your doctor before taking the tablets if:

  • risk of ectopic pregnancy,
  • diseased liver,
  • tumor,
  • thromboembolic disorders,
  • asthma
  • adnexitis,
  • Lesnevsky-Crohn's disease.

8. Next day pill and abortion pills

All the controversy around the pill the next day is due to different definitions of fertilization. From a scientific point of view, the onset of pregnancy is not defined, as it is a process.

Some therefore believe that fertilization begins with the appearance of sperm in the genital tract or their penetration into the egg. Doctors say that you can talk about conception when the embryo is implanted in the uterus.

According to the World Health Organization, the next morning pill works differently than the morning pill. Emergency contraception it does not affect the death of the embryo, unlike abortive drugs. Such measures only complicate fertilization.

However, pregnancy is also possible when taking the pill the next day, for example, if taken too late. The purpose of the abortion pill is to remove the embryo from the uterus and can be used for a longer period of time after intercourse.

For this reason, it is impossible to buy the French tablet Mifegin (RU 486) in Poland. It is a steroid product containing prostaglandin that causes uterine contractions and directly leads to miscarriage.

Pills have many opponents because it is an abortion method and when they do not work properly it leads to many fetal deformities. The child is then born with serious health problems, he often has to undergo many operations, and there is no certainty that he will recover.

9. Is it legal to take the next day's pill? Decision of the Constitutional Court

Until April 2015, anyone over the age of 15 could buy ellaOne without a prescription. Escapelle has always been available by prescription only. Then The European Commission she claimed that these types of products were safe to use without a prescription.

The situation changed in July 2017, and the next day the pills are now available by prescription only. It all started with the words of the Minister of Health Konstantin Radziwill, who said that all contraceptives in Poland are available by prescription, with the exception of the pill for the next day.

On May 25, 2017, a law was passed introducing prescriptions for pills the next day. Exactly from July 22, 2017, it is impossible to purchase funds of this type without a preliminary visit to the doctor. Interestingly, over-the-counter daily pills are only sold in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Ukraine, and Hungary.

Constitutional Court ruling as of October 22, 2020, the conditions for legal abortion have changed. This decision does not affect the pills once taken, as they are considered a form of contraception and not an abortion measure.

However, it should be remembered that the pill the next day should not be treated as a standard method of contraception, since a high dose of the hormones contained in the pill is not indifferent to the body - it causes a hormonal storm, disrupts the menstrual cycle. and overload the liver.

Do you need a doctor's consultation, e-issuance or e-prescription? Go to the website abcZdrowie Find a doctor and immediately arrange an inpatient appointment with specialists from all over Poland or teleportation.