» Sexuality » Cum - ejaculation speed, cum taste, cum count

Sperm – ejaculation speed, cum flavor, cum count

There are many legends and myths about sperm. Unfortunately, it's just a fluid produced by the human body, such as sweat, saliva, and mucus. However, few people know about the nutritional value of sperm. In semen, you can find traces of almost every element that our body needs to live.

Watch the video: "Polish sperm quality"

1. What is sperm?

main ingredient in sperm there is water, but also many other ingredients in the composition. IN semen composition it is included mainly in protein, in addition, we can also find fructose and glucose in it. Sperm is also a source of micronutrients such as potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

The color of semen is pearl gray, but not always, the color is affected by diet and possible diseases. Sometimes semen turns yellow, green, and sometimes even red. Then you should see a doctor.

One ejaculation contains about 2-6 ml of semen. However, there are several ways to increase the amount. One way to do this is to take care of yourself: stop smoking, eat healthy, have less sex, and exercise less.

2. Speed ​​of ejaculation

This is not a physics assignment, but one of the most frequently asked questions. Probably, someone has heard about the terrible stories about the blinding of partners in time. oral sex.

Don't worry, it's probably not a threat to anyone, although sperm can reach a speed of 45 km/h when ejaculating, which is almost the same as the speed limit for cars in built-up areas.

The record holder could shoot at a distance of up to 5,5 meters, i.e. by automotive comparisons, up to the length of a delivery van. The same man broke the record for the speed of sperm during ejaculation, now the record is 70 km / h.

It can be painful and uncomfortable if your sperm gets into your partner's eye, but not because of the force of ejaculation.

3. The taste of sperm

The taste of sperm depends on the diet that the man prefers, the meat diet causes semen acidity, fruity with the famous pineapple gives the seeds a sweet taste.

Scientists have conducted research to determine the taste of sperm. Women compared their taste to Brie cheese, Ajax cleaner, rotten eggs and dirty socks.

According to men also interviewed in the same study, their semen tastes like caviar or almonds, they have a better opinion of sperm than women. It is worth remembering that the health of a man (for example, infections of the genitourinary system or the level of concern for hygiene) can affect the taste of semen.

4. Number of spermatozoa in one ejaculation

One teaspoon of semen contains between 200 and 500 million spermatozoa. It seems to be a lot, but a person is not a record holder in the animal world, for example, a male pig throws out 8 billion spermatozoa during one ejaculation.

A man has about 7200 ejaculations in his lifetime, and ejaculation releases about 5 milliliters of semen (about a teaspoon), which gives about 500 million spermatozoa.

It all depends on the conditions in the vagina, some sources say that sperm can last up to 7 days, although this seems unlikely.

It is assumed that under favorable conditions they can last 72 hours or 3 days. Spermatozoa that fall on a sheet, fingers, towel or any other household item instead of the vagina die almost immediately. However, if they were in a sufficiently humid and warm place (37 degrees Celsius), they could live 18 hours.

5. Health Benefits of Sperm

Studies show that sperm can improve women's well-being and, to some extent, replace antidepressants. Better than chocolate, according to scientists, it will improve your relationship with your beloved partner.

This is because semen contains testosterone in addition to the semen it boosts. libido in womenimproves well-being and restores vitality. The key, however, is the joy of sexual contact and the connection between partners.

Sperm also has an anti-wrinkle effect, which has been used in cosmetics to produce expensive face creams for women. Thanks spermine (a chemical compound with strong anti-inflammatory properties) found in the seeds can reduce wrinkles by up to 20 percent.

6. What determines the quality of sperm?

Sperm quality is mainly affected by: unhealthy diet, bad habits, lack of physical activity, overheating of the testicles and the use of hormones. Another factor is stress, which also affects sperm quality. The results of the study show that men

who are exposed to more than two stressors have lower sperm counts compared to men who rarely experience stressful situations.

The medications you take also affect the quality of your sperm. Some pharmaceutical products

they affect not only the quality of sperm, but also the fertility of a man. Some of them can completely destroy it. First of all, we are talking about powerful chemotherapeutic agents administered to cancer patients. Past infections and diseases also affect the quality of sperm.

7. Allergy to semen

Sperm allergy affects approximately 12 percent of the female population worldwide. How does it manifest itself? In most cases, allergic people develop itching and rashes, and sometimes even anaphylactic shock.

Interestingly, this problem concerns not only the fair sex. Sperm allergy also occurs in men and the reaction occurs immediately after ejaculation. In men, an allergic reaction usually lasts from a few hours to a few days.

Do you need a consultation, a test or an e-prescription? Go to the website zamdzlekarza.abczdrowie.pl, where you can immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

Do you need a doctor's consultation, e-issuance or e-prescription? Go to the website abcZdrowie Find a doctor and immediately arrange an inpatient appointment with specialists from all over Poland or teleportation.