» Sexuality » Sexual problems - the most common sexual dysfunction

Sexual problems are the most common sexual dysfunction

Sexual problems are the scourge of a large group of people around the world. They affect both women and men. Among the most common sexual problems are impotence, lack of orgasm and premature ejaculation. Recent studies by experts suggest that about 40 percent of women suffer from sexual problems.

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1. What are sexual problems?

Sexual problems are a concern for many people. In most cases, sexual problems are related to the sexual sphere itself, but this is not always the case. They can also be caused by problems with sexual identity. Sexual dysfunction is caused by various factors. Their course is also different.

Depending on the root cause of the sexual problem, the patient should seek help from the following specialists: gynecologists, urologists, sexologists, psychologists or psychiatrists.

Untreated sex problems can lead to insecurities, breakups, avoidance of the opposite sex, anxiety disorders, and even depression.

2. The most common sexual problems

The most common problems with sex include: impotence, premature ejaculation, pain during intercourse, lack of orgasm, sexual coldness, and body complexes.


Impotence is a sexual dysfunction that occurs in men and is manifested by the absence of an erection or ejaculation despite arousal and satisfactory foreplay. Impotence most often affects men over the age of 50, but can occur much earlier.

Causes of impotence include: stress, alcohol or drug addiction, diabetes, neurological disease, heart disease, depression, genital malformations, and certain medications.

Premature ejaculation

Another male sexual problem is premature ejaculation. This disorder in sexology is defined as the inability to stop the ejaculation of semen from sharing pleasure with both partners.

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual disorder among men. To a greater extent, this applies to cases of young, sexually inexperienced men who are just starting their erotic life, where the most common cause is stress caused by an intimate situation or prolonged abstinence. If such an event is one-time or recurring, it is not considered a disorder.

Premature ejaculation occurs a few or a few seconds before or at the beginning of sexual intercourse. You can also ejaculate even at the mere sight of your undressed partner. Premature ejaculation is manifested by a lack of control over reactions with excessive sensitivity to touch or external stimuli. It is estimated that this problem affects 28% of sexually active men worldwide.

no orgasm

The most commonly reported problem with sex by women is the inability to achieve orgasm. The main cause of anorgasmia in women is stress and thinking about the consequences of sexual intercourse, for example, a possible pregnancy, which does not contribute to the freedom and pleasure of sexual intercourse.

Sexual coldness

Sexual coldness, also known as hypolibidaemia, is a violation of sexual desire. This affects both women and men. Affected patients show little or no interest in sexual aspects. In women, sexual frigidity may appear shortly after the birth of a child (this condition may be caused by aversion to the current appearance of the body).

Sexual coldness can also appear in women in menopause (then it is associated with hormonal changes, mood swings). Other causes of sexual coldness include: psychotic disorders, constant fatigue, severe stress, alcohol dependence, drug addiction, difficult experiences from the past (rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence).

Pain during intercourse

Dyspareunia, because that's the professional name for pain during intercourse, is a sexual dysfunction. It occurs in both males and females.

In women, this problem is usually associated with inflammation of the genital organs, endometriosis, vulvodynia, saber pubic symphysis, lack of proper vaginal lubrication. Pain during intercourse can also occur in women who have undergone surgery.

In men, this problem occurs due to phimosis, or too short a frenulum of the penis. It can also be caused by inflammation of the genitals.

Complexes about your own body

Body complexes are a common sexual problem for women, which can lead to a weakening of the erotic connection of partners. The perception of one's body as unattractive may be due to an unmet need for acceptance. It can also be the result of constant comparison with other people.

According to statistics, about 80 percent of Polish women are dissatisfied with their appearance. This affects their mental state as well as their quality of life.

Ladies who do not accept their body and their nakedness avoid sexual intercourse, are ashamed to show themselves naked, and insist that intercourse takes place in the dark.

Men with body complexes usually complain about the size of their penis or about their sexual abilities or skills.

3. How to solve your sexual problems?

The diagnosis of a sexual problem should be preceded by a thorough medical examination. For ailments such as pain during intercourse or erectile dysfunction, you should consult a specialist. A visit to a gynecologist or urologist is required.

With problems such as sexual frigidity or complexes about your body, you should consult a sexologist. In many cases, psychotherapy is also helpful.

Impotence is a disorder that requires medication, surgery, or treatment with vacuum devices. Many patients also undergo psychotherapy.

Treatment of orgasmic disorders mainly includes psychological assistance, education, and the use of special devices that improve blood circulation in the genital area.

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