» Sexuality » Sexual Matching - What are the levels of sexual matching?

Sexual Matching - What are the levels of sexual matching?

Every beginning of a relationship is a big unknown. Sexual intercourse is a meeting of partners, usually differing in the characteristics of this type of personality, experience, upbringing and values.

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Achieving sexual conformity is a great challenge and a huge success, and at the same time it is the basis for continuing to live together. Sexual fit increases the likelihood development of love and brings more colors to the gray - sometimes - weekdays. What are the levels of sexual conformity?

1. Gender Compliance - Levels

Can you name specific sexual fit levels - physical, erotic, emotional, verbal and value.

1.1. Sex Match - Physical Level

It is primarily a sexual adaptation in terms of sexual temperaments and a subjective sense of mutual compliance. In addition, it is important to be attractive to each other, to desire and mutually accept your flesh. During intercourse physical form it is also the harmony of sexual reactions and mutual orgasm. Some couples achieve this level of sexual adaptation from the very beginning, others through gradual learning.

1.2. Sexy match - erotic and visceral level

This level of sexual fit is largely about seeing each other as "favorite", "ideal" types of masculinity or femininity. This mutual passion appearance, lifestyle, movements, as well as psychological qualities, sense of humor, etc. Through sexual adaptation in these areas, strong passion and thus satisfaction from being together can be aroused.

Intuitive Level of Sexual Compliance means feeling for each other partners. It is the ability to anticipate the expectations of another person. This happens without the use of words. Such a feeling is typical for people who are sensitive and direct their attention not only to their needs, but also to the experiences of a partner. Understanding at this level of sexual correspondence creates the potential for a very strong connection. This partnership, i.e., focusing on the good of another person.

1.3. Sex Match - Emotional Level

Otherwise, this level of sexual adaptation can be defined as an optimal mood, emotional climate, or similar experience. This is a similar level of intensity and variety of feelings experienced. Not always emotional sensitivity levels are identical.

For example, for one person, the experience of orgasm is comparable to love ecstasy or nirvana, for another it is just a state of moderate satisfaction. However, in a long and successful relationship, over time, partners interact with each other, and their emotional worlds, in fact, align, that is, sexual correspondence develops.

1.4. Sex Match - Verbal Level and Values

In our culture verbal level of sexual conformity unfortunately it is underdeveloped. This fact is mainly influenced by the lack of appropriate erotic vocabulary. It can be said that either we have professional terms taken directly from reference books or scientific publications, or we use vulgar and primitive terms. Therefore, many people find it difficult to talk about their sexual experiences.

Difficulties at this level of sexual adaptation may also be so-called chatting during sex and very detailed discussions of the topic of communication (regarding suitable positions in bed, terminology, etc.), which can deprive partners of an atmosphere of intimacy, mystery and delicacy. Verbal sexual matching is still a big problem for many couples.

Gender matching at the level of values similar goals and meaning of sexual intercourse. If both partners associate sex with love, mutual happiness and personal development, it can be said that he will give them the same value. Sex can also be associated only with pleasure, the satisfaction of one's own needs, or the realization of ambitions.

On a deeper level, sexual adjustment is a form of expression, love, and partnership. The deeper level of sexual experience, the higher the level of sexual conformity between lovers.

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Article reviewed by an expert:

Anna Belous

Psychologist, psychotherapist, personal trainer.