» Sexuality » Parents of homosexual children - Parents of gays and lesbians (VIDEO)

Parents of gay children - Parents of gays and lesbians (VIDEO)

When gay and lesbian parents find out about their children's orientation, they are initially shocked. It does not matter whether the child himself declared his homosexuality or the parent found out about it by accident. Parents then begin to look for the reasons for this - they blame themselves or the environment of the child. They often accuse the child's friends of being "misguided". The feeling that "someone is to blame" probably comes from old psychological theories that parents influence their children's sexual orientation. These theories are not currently believed to be true.

Another reaction of parents who learn about their child's homosexuality is denial, not acceptance. The parent may also treat the child as before, considering it temporary. This denial can last for years. Gay and lesbian parents cannot talk about their child's orientation in this situation and are therefore very lonely.

Anna Golan, sexologist, talks about the problems of gay and lesbian parents and the myths associated with homosexuality.