» Sexuality » Condom sizes - what are they and how to choose them?

Condom sizes - what are they and how to choose them?

Condom sizes matter because only when condoms are properly fitted do they become an effective and non-restrictive form of contraception. They protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and also allow you to enjoy the intensity of sensations. What are the sizes of condoms? Which one to choose so that the condom fits perfectly on the penis?

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1. What are the sizes of condoms?

Condom sizes correspond to the length and circumference of the penis during erection. They are very different, which makes them ideal for penis. This is a prerequisite for a condom to be effective and comfortable to use.

Most condoms available in stores have universal size. Besides standard condoms, you can also buy condoms suitable for men with larger or smaller penis.

Depending on the market, condoms are produced in three main sizes:

  • L (African), designed for penises 18 - 20 cm long. These are the largest condoms
  • M size condoms. M is European size. The standard condom is designed for a penis with an average length of about 14 cm during erection,
  • S (Asian), designed for members from 12,5 cm to 14 cm in length in an upright position. These are the smallest condoms.

Within each group there are longer and slightly wider condoms than the standard ones (XL, XXL, Extra Large), but there are also smaller condoms (Fit, Close Fit).

You should also consider the size of the condom. scheme penis during erection (indicated in centimeters, and the diameter of the condom in millimeters). And yes:

  • penis circumference from 9,5 to 10 cm, a condom with a diameter of 47 mm is suitable,
  • from 10 to 11 cm - a condom with a diameter of 49 mm,
  • from 11 to 11,5 cm - a condom with a diameter of 53 mm,
  • from 11,5 to 12 cm - a condom with a diameter of 56 mm,
  • from 12 to 13 cm - a condom with a diameter of 60 mm,
  • from 13 to 14 cm - a condom with a diameter of 64 mm,
  • from 14 to 15 cm - a condom with a diameter of 69 mm.

Standard condom it has a length of 18 centimeters and a diameter of 52-56 millimeters (the diameter of a condom can vary from 47 to 69 millimeters).

2. How to choose the condom size?

Care should be taken to determine the size of the ideal condom size. length i diameter penis. To do this, you need to measure your penis during an erection.

It is important to remember that a perfectly fitting condom should be slightly longer than the length of the penis itself. This will make your penis come out when you ejaculate. sperm she will be able to gather in free space. This reduces the risk of the condom slipping and breaking.

3. How to measure the penis?

You need to carefully select the ideal condom size. to measure penis. How to do it?

Install diameteraround the fully erect penis, at its widest point, wrap the tape measure and read the result. The measurement is taken while standing.

To measure length, during an erection, apply a tape measure from the base of the penis to the mouth of the urethra (i.e. the tip of the head).

In a situation where the penis curved, this should be taken into account when measuring (the actual length is measured, not the distance between the two ends).

4. Why does condom size matter?

Condom size matters. Its correct choice is important not only for the sake of comfort use but i efficiency. A condom is a contraceptive that prevents and protects against unwanted pregnancy. sexually transmitted diseases.

For a condom to be comfortable and effective, it must be the right size for your penis. Too small The condom can squeeze the penis and break during intercourse. On the other hand too big the condom will slip off, which can also make intercourse feel less intense.

There are different sizes of condoms on the market as well as forms, appearance and other qualities. Thanks to this, you can adjust the condom both to the size of the penis and to the needs and expectations of both partners. The following options are available:

  • latex condoms, condoms latex-free,
  • protrusion condoms,
  • condoms that prolong sexual intercourse,
  • wet condoms,
  • condoms with cooling or warming gel,
  • condoms with different tastes and smells,
  • condoms of different colors and shapes.

condom prices they range from a few tens of groszy to a dozen or so złoty a piece. Brand name condoms usually cost around PLN 3 (depending on package size).

The size of a condom depends on the company that makes it. Detailed sizing information can be found at packing condoms, leaflet included in condom packaging or internator.

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