» Sexuality » Contraceptive pills without secrets - frequently asked questions about oral contraception. Answer from WP experts abcZdrowie

Contraceptive pills without secrets - frequently asked questions about oral contraception. Answer from WP experts abcZdrowie

Birth control pills are almost 100 percent. pregnancy protection [123rf.com]

oral contraception is one of the most commonly used contraceptive methods by women. It can be used by both young people who are just having sex, and older women.

Birth control pills can be two-component or one-component. The gynecologist decides which pills a woman should take.

According to the Pearl Index, only 1 in 100 women who take the pill every day gets pregnant. Most often, fertilization occurs as a result of improper use of contraception.

We have collected the most common questions that arise on our website in connection with the use of oral contraceptives. They are answered by WP experts abcZdrowie.

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