» Sexuality » Contraceptives without a prescription - natural methods, condoms, hormones

Non-Prescription Contraceptives - Natural Methods, Condoms, Hormones

There is an opinion that over-the-counter contraceptives are used only by teenagers. Indeed, they seem to make the most of it. But everyone can use over-the-counter contraception.

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1. Non-Prescription Contraceptives - Natural Methods

Since there is still a myth in the minds of many people about the effectiveness of intermittent intercourse or having sex immediately after menstruation as an effective means of contraception, it must be said directly that this is not true.

The value of over-the-counter contraception is greater, the more persons under the age of sixteen begins sexual activity. Usually the lack of knowledge and lack of some contraceptives leads to an unwanted pregnancy.

Natural methods, that is, contraception without a prescription, require a lot of dedication - they require a lot of discipline. The clear benefit that will come from using this type of hedging is good. getting to know your body. What are natural methods? The heat method is an over-the-counter birth control method that takes body temperature every morning. Of course, accuracy is a must. take notes. Ovulation is signaled by an increase in temperature up to half a degree. It is sometimes difficult to determine whether an increase in body temperature is due to hormonal changes or perhaps the common cold.

OTC contraception includes natural methods and condoms.

Another method is to observe the mucus. However, it is recommended for people who know their body well. With this method of over-the-counter contraception, the person taking it should have a sense of stability in terms of their sex life. The main thing is that communication with one basement guarantees a stable bacterial flora. A change of partner can have a negative effect on a woman's body, which will lead to modification of the cervical mucus.

2. Contraceptives without a prescription - condoms.

Condoms, as an over-the-counter contraceptive, seem to be the most popular method of protection against unwanted pregnancies. Moreover, it is much more effective than natural methods. A condom only works when it's there. well worn and the right size. With the latter, boys have big problems, especially when they are just starting to have sex. The big advantage of this over-the-counter contraception is its availability - today you can buy condoms almost everywhere. In addition, it protects not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from dangerous diseases such as HIV or viral hepatitis.

3. Non-prescription contraceptives - hormones

It is true that birth control pills guarantee safe sex, but this type of contraception does not have an over-the-counter option. Regardless of this fact, this contraception not suitable for girls under sixteen. The doctor will not agree to prescribe pills, because the systems, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries, have not yet fully matured and therefore do not properly control the menstrual cycle. To use this type of birth control, you must have had regular periods for at least a year.

It may also happen that the doctor does not give consent to prescribing contraceptives because the patient is not yet eighteen years old. With this type of protection, special attention should also be paid to diseases that occur in the family, and be sure to report them to the gynecologist. They can be a serious barrier to starting the use of this type of contraception. However, if the doctor decides to prescribe pills, he should spend a lot careful research. So maybe it's still worth looking at over-the-counter contraceptives?

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