» Sexuality » Contraceptive patches - what are they, are they effective and safe?

Contraceptive patches - what are they, are they effective and safe?

Contraceptive patches are one of the most effective methods of preventing pregnancy. This measure should be included in the group of hormonal methods of contraception. The same solutions are used as in the case of birth control pills. Patches can be placed on various parts of the body, including the abdomen, arm, and shoulder. How effective are they and how can you use them to feel safe?

Watch the video: "#dziejesienazywo: How to choose the best contraception for you?"

1. What are birth control patches?

Contraceptive patches contain the same ingredients as the pill, i.e. estrogen and progestin. They also have a similar effect to tablets. They are easy to use and you don't have to think about them every day.

Birth control patches are recommended for women who do not want to constantly remember to take birth control pills. There are also no age guidelines that would discourage the use of this type. contraception.

Contraceptive patches can be used by women of all age groups. There were no contraindications for this. Objections can only be raised by an individually selected physician. contraceptive methods patient. Patches, due to their ease of use, are often chosen by women.

2. How do birth control patches work?

The action of contraceptive patches, i.e. A transdermal patch is a continuous release of hormones into the body from a patch placed on bare skin.

Although innovative in the method of introducing progestins into the body, this is another tool from the group of hormonal contraception and uses the same solutions as the well-known and proven birth control pill. Thanks to this, the effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is really high.

The effect of contraceptive patches is: suppression of fertile days, thickening of cervical mucus (spermatozoa move more slowly in it), changes in the uterine mucosa, preventing implantation and slowing down the transport of the fallopian tubes (time before the meeting of the egg and sperm). .

Hormones from birth control patches enter a woman's body through the skin, and not through the digestive system, as is the case with birth control pills. Yes route of administration of progestogensunlike the oral route, it has less effect on the liver.

This organ is engaged, among other things, in the detoxification of various substances that enter the bloodstream directly from the digestive system. The introduction of gestagens to other places in the bloodstream, where they have moved from the skin due to the contraceptive patch, requires a lot of liver work.

Years of birth control pillsand also other medicines are very burdensome for this organ, and as it is absolutely necessary for life, it is worth taking care of it. This is why birth control patches are so innovative.

The main thing is that the woman has nothing to worry about. effectiveness of transdermal contraception, that is, birth control patches, in case of diarrhea or vomiting - what you should pay attention to when taking pills.

3. What do birth control patches look like?

The contraceptive patch has three layers. One comes off just before sticking to the skin - and that's it protective layer of the contraceptive patch. Under them there is a special glue and hormones. After sticking, this layer will stick directly to the skin and release sex hormones responsible for contraceptive effect. The third layer of the polyester contraceptive patch, visible from the outside, is waterproof and protective.

There are three contraceptive patches in the package, each for one week. They are glued for three weeks, and then they take a break, during which bleeding occurs. Always change the patch on the same day of the week, making it easier to remember.

What is it site of contraceptive patch? It can be placed on the lower abdomen, upper abdomen, outer arm, buttocks, upper arm, or shoulder blade. Each subsequent contraceptive patch should only be applied after the previous one has been removed and in a different location than the previous one to minimize the risk of skin irritation. In addition, before applying the contraceptive patch, it should be cleaned and thoroughly dried.

Make sure the patch is properly applied. Its effectiveness is guaranteed only when it does not stick out anywhere and lies flat against the skin.

In the event that a woman forgets to change her birth control patch on the right day, she has 48 hours to change it, and this situation does not require the use of additional contraceptive measures. If the patch falls off, which is not common, it can be put back on within 24 hours without compromising contraceptive effectiveness. If you lose a patch, just put on another one.

4. Use of hormone patches

O hormonal patches you need to remember once a week, because every week you should stick a new one. The scheme is always repeated: three weeks of sticking patches, one week without a patch. There should be withdrawal bleeding within a week without a patch, just like with birth control pills. This bleeding is much lighter and less profuse than with normal menstruation.

When should I apply the first patch? The first contraceptive patch can be applied on days 1-5 of the cycle, i.e. at the onset of bleeding. If you fall within this range, the birth control patch works from the moment you put it on. If you are late, for example, if you put on a birth control patch on the 6th day of the cycle, for one week the patch is not yet contraceptive and does not protect against a possible pregnancy. Then you have to defend yourself in other ways.

Where to put the contraceptive patch? The birth control patch can be applied almost anywhere on the body. However, there are a few rules to follow:

  • the skin should be dry and clean,
  • the skin should not be too hairy,
  • do not apply the patch to irritated skin,
  • do not stick the patch where clothing rubs against the skin,
  • do not put the patch on your chest.

Can every woman use birth control patches?? No. Patches should not be used:

  • women who suspect they may be pregnant
  • women over 35: smokers and those who quit smoking in the past year,
  • obese women,
  • women suffering from hypertension
  • women who have had or have breast cancer,
  • migraine sufferers,
  • women with heart disease)
  • women with diabetes
  • women are at risk for blood clots
  • women who take medications regularly - tell your doctor about all the medications you take.

5. Do anti-stress patches peel off?

Many women are concerned that birth control patches come off easily. However, in most cases, women do not complain about it. coming off contraceptive patches. According to the manufacturers, the patch must withstand visits to the sauna, pool and shower.

Disadvantages of birth control patches it's the same:

  • gypsum is visible
  • it is available only after consultation with a gynecologist, as prescribed by a doctor,
  • May cause skin irritation in some women
  • at the end of the week of wearing the birth control patch, it can become unsightly,
  • this method of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

5.1. What should I do if the patch comes off?

If the patch came off and you noticed this:

  • less than 48 hours: reapply it as soon as possible or use a new contraceptive patch, then continue sticking according to the plan, the contraceptive effect is maintained;
  • more than 48 hours: Put on a new birth control patch as soon as possible and start a new one. contraceptive patch cycleand use additional contraception for the next week. If you have had unprotected intercourse in the previous few days, see your doctor as you may have been fertilized.

6. Effectiveness of birth control patches

Contraceptive patches are one of the most effective methods of contraception. When used correctly, they are over 99% effective.

Their effectiveness is somewhat lower in women weighing more than 90 kg. Effectiveness of birth control patches also decreases in case of misuse:

  • if you don't install a new patch after an unplanned patch removal,
  • if you forgot to put on another contraceptive patch after a week break,
  • if you forget to remove the old one and apply the new one.

7. Benefits of birth control patches

The undoubted advantage of contraceptive patches is their effectiveness. They are just as effective as birth control pills and you don't have to remember them every day.

Unlike pills, birth control patches do not burden the liver and do not lose their effectiveness with severe diarrhea or vomiting.

Other benefits of birth control patches so that:

  • no need to remember them during sex,
  • birth control patches regulate menstruation and ease bleeding,
  • often reduce or even eliminate premenstrual syndrome
  • the dose of hormones contained in the birth control patch reduces the risk of cysts and fibroids, as well as ovarian cancer.

8. Side effects from using patches

Of course, like any hormonal contraceptive, the patch can cause side effects. The list is quite long.

Side effects of birth control patches These are: vaginal bleeding and acyclic spotting, acne, seborrhea (hair gets oily quickly), headache, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, increased blood pressure, weight gain, nipple pain, vaginal mycosis, decreased libido (decreased sexual appetite), mood deterioration, irritability (sometimes depression, thromboembolic complications (may be life-threatening), fat metabolism disorders (more harmful LDL cholesterol), coronary heart disease in women who smoke under 35 years of age.

Contraceptive patches are a method that you can decide on after examining and collecting an anamnesis from a gynecologist. Feel free to ask your doctor about the exact operation and contraindications for contraceptive patches.

9. How much do birth control patches cost?

Contraceptive patches are not the cheapest method of contraception. In pharmacies, you can find oral contraceptives much cheaper than contraceptive patches.

Price of contraceptive patches it's about PLN 60-80 for 3 patches. The price of birth control patches depends on the pharmacy we go to. If we search for contraceptive patches on the Internet, their price will be lower and will fluctuate around 50 PLN.

You can also find on the Internet over-the-counter birth control patches.

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