» Sexuality » Intermittent intercourse - what is the danger of conception

Intermittent intercourse - what is the danger of conception

Intermittent intercourse is not a method of contraception, as you cannot be sure that you have not conceived. When used as a contraceptive method, a lot depends on the reflexes of the partner, but not only that. The sperm are actually already in the pre-ejaculate - the secretions that appear before ejaculation.

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1. What is intermittent sex?

Intermittent intercourse involves removing the penis from the vagina just before ejaculation. Much depends on the partner, who must catch the right moment to withdraw the penis from the woman's genital tract.

However, when the arousal is strong, and the man is just starting to have sex and is inexperienced, it is very often difficult to feel the right moment. Therefore, intermittent sex life very often ends in an unplanned pregnancy.

The effectiveness of this contraceptive methodsif you can call it that at all, it is not very high. As the Pearl Index shows, it is only 10, and among young people it is even lower - 20.

Fertilization can occur not only when a man cannot remove his penis from the vagina and ejaculates into the woman's genital tract. Many men have enough sperm for fertilization already in the pre-ejaculate.

2. Intermittent intercourse and the risk of conception

The risk of fertilization is associated with pre-ejaculation, i.e. discharge from the penis that occurs during intercourse or masturbation. This is a sticky mucous substance that, under the influence of prolonged or strong excitement, first appears in the urethra, and then flows out.

Pre-ejaculate is produced by the bulbourethral glands. The task of pre-ejaculate is to alkalize the acidic reaction of urine in the urethra, which is harmful to spermatozoa.

In addition, pre-ejaculate should make the urethra more slippery, which means creating favorable conditions for the expected ejaculation of sperm. Often there are mobile spermatozoa in it, this creates fertilization risk before ejaculating into the vagina.

Due to the fact that it does not directly affect the functioning of the female body, intermittent intercourse seems to be a natural way to deal with infertility.

Men very often do not see the connection between a woman's reluctance to have sexual intercourse and the practice of coitus interruptus. Moreover, they have a subjective belief that they do nothing wrong to a woman.

They are satisfied with their masculinity because intermittent intercourse is an activity that depends primarily on them. It is the man who is responsible for the right moment to extract the penis.

When answering the question of whether intermittent intercourse is safe, it is necessary to take into account the mental inhibition caused by it, especially in women, in relation to sexual contacts.

Intermittent intercourse leads to restlessness, sexual coldness, and loss of orgasm in women. It is difficult for women to achieve sexual satisfaction because they are afraid that their partner will not catch the right moment of ejaculation.

In men, intermittent intercourse paradoxically leads to premature ejaculation. There is also a research-proven relationship between the practice of intermittent intercourse and the irritability and hostility of partners towards each other.

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Article reviewed by an expert:

Stanislav Dulko, MD, PhD

Sexologist. Board member of the Polish Society of Sexologists.