» Sexuality » Orgasm - stages, health benefits, how to achieve orgasm?

Orgasm - stages, health benefits, how to achieve orgasm?

Orgasm is one of the most used words when it comes to sex. This is the moment of the strongest sexual arousal and feeling of bliss. This is usually the culmination of sexual intercourse or masturbation. How to achieve it, how to give yourself an orgasm, how to recognize it and, finally, what it really is - these questions are asked by most of us. The answers can be found in the text below.

Watch the video: "The Benefits of Orgasm"

1. What is an orgasm?

In 1966, Virginia Ashelman Johnson and William Masters published The Human Intercourse. They revolutionized the social and scientific sphere, because they were in the subject beforehand. sexual physiology almost nothing was written.

The authors of this book identified four stages of sexual intercourse:

  • excitation,
  • plateau,
  • orgasm,
  • relaxation.

Some time later, therapist Helen Singer Kaplan offered a different breakdown:

  • a wish,
  • excitation,
  • orgasm.

Both divisions are precise, but rather general. Each person and each sexual act has its own intensity and pace.

Orgasm is the phase of the greatest and strongest sexual arousal. cessation of sexual intercourse or some other form of erotic action. This excitement is accompanied by a feeling of great pleasure (bliss).

The body responds to orgasm depending on gender - in women, contractions of the vagina and cervix, and in men, contractions of the scrotum and ejaculation.

2. Symptoms of orgasm

Generally speaking, the common symptoms of male and female orgasm are:

  • increased heart rate
  • more muscle tension
  • late students,
  • higher blood pressure
  • spasms of the genital muscles.

2.1. Orgasm in women

In women, they occur regularly and uncontrollably during menopause. cervical spasms and the mother herself. They are caused by oxytocin (a hormone produced by the hypothalamus).

The tissue at the entrance to the vagina swells, forming the so-called. an orgasmic platform that tightly embraces the male penis.

Some women can survive multiple orgasms. In such cases, the level of excitation does not decrease, but remains on a plateau.

Studies show that only 40% of women achieve orgasm during intercourse without additional caresses and/or clitoral stimulation. There has long been a myth that a vaginal orgasm is "better" than an orgasm otherwise. Nothing could be more wrong. Any satisfaction remains, achieved in one way or another.

2.2. Orgasm in men

In men, during orgasm, sperm is pumped into the urethra by contraction of the muscles of the rectum, prostate, and vas deferens.

Then this spiral expands, and the sperm is thrown out. Pleasure first cum flow through cock.

After orgasm, the penis quickly returns to its resting state, but cannot achieve an erection for a certain period of time. This is called the refractory period and the penis is insensitive to stimuli. This state can last from several minutes to days.

3. Benefits of orgasm

Successful sex culminating in a satisfying orgasm has many health and beauty benefits.

It can be a great sleep aid - people who test it before bed fall asleep much easier and don't wake up at night. Orgasm relieves muscle tensionwhich makes our sleep calmer and deeper.

Sex is hardly an alternative to daily workouts, but it certainly keeps the cardiovascular system working. It raises blood pressure, speeds up the heart rate and increases the breathing rate.

There is an increase in muscle tone, and the brain, just like during training, releases endorphins - hormones of happiness.

Those who experience frequent orgasms are much less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.

Peak is great for brain function. Research shows that during an orgasm, a woman's brain uses more oxygen than usual.

In addition, experts say that a relaxed brain after sexual intercourse is better able to cope with complex tasks. Moreover, it also stimulates our senses.

Reaching the top can also be a relief. It's hard to relax when we're stressed, and sex requires focus on one thing. Thanks to this, we can indulge in pleasures and not think about problems. Orgasm relaxes, relieves stress and tension.

An orgasm makes the skin glow. This is due to the hormone DHEA (the so-called youth hormone) present during sexual arousal. This hormone improves skin tone and tones the skin.

In addition, orgasm cleanses the body of toxins and speeds up the metabolism, making it easier for us to lose weight.

Orgasm brings satisfaction, thanks to which we are relaxed and emotionally filled. It also has a positive effect on self-esteem.

When it reaches its peak, oxytocin is released in the brain, which strengthens bonds and increases the feeling of intimacy between partners, which increases the chance for a stable relationship.

According to some experts, an orgasm can also relieve migraines and menstrual cramps.)

The cramps that occur during hot flashes can reduce the formation of blood clots during your period and thus bring you relief. It is also worth adding that it reduces rheumatic pains and strengthens our immune system.

3.1. Orgasm a calorie

It is noteworthy that sex is also a physical activity, of course, the most enjoyable. During an orgasm, you burn about 110 calories, which is a lot.

There is also a ratio where you burn between 100 and 260 calories depending on the position you put on. In addition, you can burn up to 60 calories in one intercourse, plus the number of calories you burn during a kiss (about 400).

As you can see, in addition to a number of other benefits, you can also take care of a slim figure.

4. Orgasm with every intercourse

It's quite difficult to keep track of peak data. Experts base their conclusions on the questionnaire data. In 2009, under the guidance of Prof. Zbigniew Izdebsky, a statistical study was carried out. They show that more than half of the respondents say orgasm with every intercourse.

The answers were provided by Internet users. While this is quite likely in the case of males, the result may be questionable in women. It is likely that the insistence that you have an orgasm every time is due to the pressure that women experience from their partners.

5. Female orgasm

There are different ways kobec orgasm. A woman can achieve orgasm through penetration, caress, oral or anal sex, G-spot stimulation, or masturbation.

Some women do ability to reach orgasm without stimulation of the genitals, caressing the breasts or through erotic fantasies.

Orgasm in women is caused not only by physiological, but also by psychological factors. It depends on the woman's trust in her partner, on the atmosphere, as well as on her self-esteem.

Women who are less confident and do not accept their bodies may orgasm problemsbecause their hidden complexes are blocked by male irritants.

Women usually reach full sexual satisfaction after 30 years. They already know their body well enough and are aware of what brings them pleasure.

Knowing your own body is the next step towards sexual satisfaction. Sexologists advise women who are struggling with orgasm to touch their bodies. In this way, they learn which stimulation gives them the most pleasure.

It's best to focus on the clitoris at first, as stimulating it is the easiest way to achieve orgasm. It can also turn your partner on during intercourse.

5.1. Stages of female orgasm

Orgasm in women is a deep experience that leads to several stages:

  • arousal stage - the nipples elongate to about 1 centimeter, the breast increases, the tension of the muscles of the vagina increases, the head of the clitoris swells, the heartbeat quickens, the skin becomes pink, blood pressure rises, lubrication appears in the vagina, the labia enlarges and opens, the vagina lengthens and its walls darken, rise uterine sensitivity,
  • stepped flume - the volume of the breast continues to increase, the skin becomes even more pink, the areolas become hyperemic, the muscle tone of the whole body increases, the heartbeat quickens again, the breathing rhythm quickens, the clitoris changes its position, the entrance to the vagina is moistened,
  • orgasmic stage - the whole body turns red, certain muscle groups of the body contract, the muscles of the anal sphincter contract, blood pressure and respiratory rate increase, vaginal contractions are felt every 0.8 seconds, repeat up to about 12 times, the body of the uterus also contracts,
  • relaxation stage - breast swelling disappears, redness disappears, muscle tension decreases, blood pressure normalizes, heart rate slows down, breathing calms down, within 10-15 minutes the vagina returns to normal, and the labia returns to its normal appearance after 20-30 minutes.

6. Types of female orgasm

Sigmund Freud distinguished between vaginal and clitoral orgasms. According to his theory, the vagina is more mature, and the clitoral is typical for young women, infantile. The theories of this psychoanalyst have been repeatedly criticized by feminist circles.

According to today's knowledge, we know that there is no division into clitoral and vaginal orgasm - the female orgasm always comes from clitoris stimulationbecause this organ is connected to nerve receptors in the vagina.

Irritation of the walls of the vagina causes a clitoral orgasm. More interestingly, recent scientific studies prove that its dimensions are much larger than its visible outer part. The simple conclusion is that you can't have an orgasm without a clitoris.

Today it is known that all orgasms are beautiful, and scientists have "discovered" many other types of orgasms:

  • long - lasting more than 30 minutes,
  • mixed (complex) - several sensitive foci are irritated at the same time,
  • sadomasochistic - experienced by lovers who have this type of sex,
  • local - caused by stimulation of one place,
  • imaginary (psychogenic) - are achieved only due to mental arousal,
  • mystical - achieved after a long study of sexual mysticism and contemplation,
  • tantric - achieved by students of tantric art, as a result of prolonged exercises of both partners; achieved only by strong concentration,
  • pharmacological - appears without sensory stimulation, appears as a result of the action of stimulants,
  • multiple - allows you to experience several orgasms during one sexual intercourse or masturbation,
  • affective - experienced in states of strong emotions not related to sex,
  • painful - rarely, requires treatment,
  • enthusiastic - difficult to describe, it may appear once or several times in a lifetime.

7. Problems with menopause

Although theoretically every woman knows what an orgasm is, unfortunately for some it is not obvious. For some, orgasm is not easy at all, and for that matter, it is the fastest as a result of sexual fantasies and masturbation.

The explosion of emotions in a woman, caused by the penetration of a man into the vagina, is sometimes difficult to achieve.

There are many reasons for problems with achieving orgasm: from the complex psyche of women, turning sex into a game of emotions, thoughts and real feelings, to anatomical complexities.

The clitoris is the part of the body that is most sensitive to sexual stimuli. It turns out that the clitoris also plays a significant role in vaginal orgasm.

If the clitoris is not stimulated, there will be no orgasm. The clitoris is connected to the vagina, and the vagina to the lips, and those, in turn, to the clitoris. All of them are interconnected by a large neural network. That's why it's so difficult to pinpoint the causes of orgasm.

The female orgasm is also an important issue for men. In a sense, he is their target during intercourse. On this basis, they build their self-esteem as a lover. Unfortunately, this approach of a man causes discomfort in a woman.

Stress begins to accumulate due to the expectations of a partner for whom no female orgasm it is tantamount to ignorance. Therefore, for more orgasms, a woman needs to relax. A good solution is to start looking for ways to have a female orgasm together.

It is worth knowing that:

  • about 60-80 percent of women achieve orgasm only as a result of clitoral stimulation,
  • approximately 20-30 percent of women achieve orgasm during intercourse.
  • about 4 percent experience orgasm by irritating the nipples
  • about 3 percent of women experience orgasms through sexual fantasies and fantasies,
  • Approximately 1 percent of women experience orgasm from irritation of the pubococcal muscle and Grafenberg's space.

8. Orgasm in men

When comparing male and female orgasms, the range of sexual stimulation that leads to orgasm is much smaller, since the primary form penis stimulation.

Many men feel everything most acutely just before ejaculation, and the orgasm itself is indifferent or annoying for them.

In other men, the strongest sensations accompany ejaculation. It is generally accepted that orgasm, unlike women, is given to men naturally. This is not entirely true, because successful orgasms also require practice and experience from men.

8.1. Stages of male orgasm

  • Excitation phase - the penis gradually becomes erect, the tension of the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles increases, the spermatic cord shortens, partially raising the testicles, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, the heartbeat quickens, nipples tense in some men,
  • plateau phase - a rash appears, mainly in the lower abdomen, there is a significant increase in muscle tone, increased heart rate, increased pressure, the circumference of the penis increases along the edge of the head, sometimes its color changes, enlarged testicles rise up towards the perineum, mucus appears, which may contain sperm,
  • Orgasm phase - the rash on the body intensifies, muscle groups contract, respiratory rate increases, blood pressure and heart rate increase, the penile urethra contracts every 0.8 seconds, gradually weakening, which is associated with the displacement of spermatozoa. The first portions of sperm are ejected even at a distance of 30 to 60 centimeters, if the penis is not in the vagina,
  • Relaxation phase - the erection of the nipples, muscle tension and rash cease, breathing normalizes, blood pressure and heart rate normalize, the penis shrinks, the testicles descend.

9. How to achieve orgasm?

How do you get an orgasm? Many women and men ask themselves this question. If you can't peak with your partner, exercise can help you get through it on your own first.

Once you know what excites you the most, it becomes easier to teach that partner. Physiological lack of orgasm this is an extremely rare condition. In fact, every woman is capable of experiencing the highest pleasure.

Author of many manuals on sex, Sandra Crane Bakos states that every woman, regardless of relationship status, should experience at least one orgasm a day.

It is good to know your own sensitive areas, such as the clitoris or the G-spot, the soft tissue located on the front wall of the vagina, below the opening of the urethra.

This type of point also includes the AFE sphere, which is a small fold of skin at the top of the vagina, next to the cervix; and the U-spot (small area above the urethral opening, just above the clitoris).

You can try masturbating in the bath using a jet of water from a sink or faucet. Changing the intensity of the jet and temperature will further enhance the sensations.

In your free time, you can train your thigh muscles by tensing them while tensing your pelvic muscles (pubococcygeus).

We can also strengthen the pelvic muscles while dancing - to the rhythm of the music, rotate the hips, pushing them back and forth, standing on the toes and moving to the heels.

It is also worth doing yoga. It has a lot of exercises that will help you achieve orgasm. Even the lotus flower position, combined with deep inhalations and exhalations, can help you reach the top.

To achieve orgasm with your partner, almost any position can be orgasmic, but some may be more favorable. If the cowboy pose is comfortable for you, it may be the one that will take you to the top.

In order to choose the position that is optimal for you, you should think about which one is easiest for you to strain and relax the pubic muscle. If you choose it, then you can achieve a great orgasm in it.

For many women, the missionary position is best, with legs stretched high to the chest. However, your favorite and proven things can become boring after a while, so it's worth trying something else.

During intercourse, you can stimulate yourself or ask your partner to do it. If you are uncomfortable in this situation, you can take your partner by the hand and lead him.

You can also use a fairly proven method - when you intertwine, insert two V-shaped fingers between the bodies. If you place them on the sides of the clitoris, you will stimulate it while your partner moves inside you.

Use all parts of your body that can be used for penetration and stimulation, don't be afraid to get carried away. Once you reach orgasm, you don't have to stop there. Try to imagine that you will come again, maybe it will be so.

For many years there has been a myth about two types of female orgasm. There are clitoral and vaginal orgasms.. In fact, vaginal orgasm is also clitoral stimulation, which is much broader than previously thought.

A woman can also cum during anal sex or nipple stimulation. For women, psychological comfort is very important, and not just physical satisfaction.

Often awareness of one's own body, and at the same time acceptance of it, comes with age. That is why many women admit that they are most satisfied with sex only after 30 years.

This text is part of our #ZdrowaPolka series, in which we will show you how to take care of your physical and mental health. We remind you about prevention and advise what to do to live healthier. You can read more here

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