» Sexuality » What are your erotic dreams really talking about?

What are your erotic dreams really talking about?

Have you ever woken up in the morning and wondered how it is possible that the last hours were so exciting? It turns out that your sleep is not an obstacle to your libido, which does not rest with you. Dreams are the way your subconscious mind unpacks everything that affects your life, and erotic dreams don't have to be literal. They can signal problems, desires, and hopes in various aspects of your life.

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Focusing on erotic dreams can be a good way to get what you want in your life. By writing down your dreams every morning and analyzing them, you will eventually know what your brain wants to tell you. Here are 8 of the most popular sex dreams that you can learn a lot from.

1. Sex with a friend

No, this does not mean that you want to cheat on your partner with a neighbor who lives behind a wall or with a colleague or work colleague.

When you imagine having sex with your friend, you simply admire this person and wish him all the best. Your dream may also reflect characteristics of the dream, or ones in which this person is unique to you in some way.

Sex is the act of bringing two separate units together, so if you can imagine, sex with a friendit means that you want something that this person has.

2. Sex with the boss

If in a dream you are having sex with your boss in his office, this means that you want to get very close to your legislator, but not necessarily to share intimacy with him.

Sex is so personal that sleeping with your boss could mean that your management style is very distant or you have distant ideas, so you want to find a way to get close to him (and not necessarily a "casual" photocopying meeting).

3. Sex in a secluded place

Do you dream that you are running around the city looking for a secluded place for sex? This may mean that the relationship lacks intimacy and spontaneous intimacy. Take a look at your calendar. How many nights this month made work a priority? Maybe it's time to plan a romantic, passionate night?

4. Horse riding

Can you imagine that you are riding a horse that carries you up to bring you down in a moment, and you feel some kind of psychic attraction between you? This may be a sign that your sex life lacks spontaneity and new ideas.

Let your imagination run wild with your partner and try new poses, and you will see that the horse of your dreams will not appear in them again.

5. Sex in public places

Such a dream may be provoked by criticism of your partner by a friend or family member. This embarrassing dream can also be caused by the fact that your relationship is always in the spotlight and others comment on your life and your decisions in love.

Stop worrying about the opinions of others. It is important that you are happy in your relationship.

6. Flight

Often in your dreams you are free, light, and all problems are alien to you? It turns out that flying in a dream is closely related to orgasm. Dreams about flying can be a sign of frustration in your current relationships and sex life.

Maybe you don't even understand that it's yours intimacy in a relationship this is not enough for you, but remember - your subconscious knows better.

7. Sex with a celebrity

If Brad Pitt often appears in your dreams, I will disturb you - you do not dream of spending a heady night with him. In fact, you want to be the center of attention in your real life.

Instead of dreaming, act. Suggest a cool project at work, host a bachelorette party or a family dinner. Take action, it's your life.

8. Sex with an ex

If it happens frequently, your brain may remind you of it. Perhaps your ex has a birthday soon or you saw his post on a social network, but this does not mean that you subconsciously want to return to him. However, if these dreams come about after hours of searching for information about your ex, it could be the result of bad relationships and issues in your current relationship that need to be addressed.

As it turns out erotic dreams they don't have to be sexy at all. Often it is with their help that our brain and body tell us about the problems, needs or thoughts that occupy our minds. However, this does not change the fact that these are the most pleasant dreams, after which everyone wakes up in the morning in a good mood.

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