» Sexuality » Myths about contraception - which one do you still believe?

Myths about contraception - which one do you still believe?

Myths about contraception hold strong. The use of contraceptives still causes a lot of controversy among Polish women. Women, discouraged by the possible side effects, often refuse this form of protection. Is our knowledge on this subject based on scientifically proven facts? Together with experts, we dispel myths about taking birth control pills.

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1. Myths about contraception - does hormonal contraception reduce libido?

Sexologist Andrzej Depko notes that the decrease in sexual desire that accompanies recipients birth control pillsmay not always be a side effect. It all depends on the type of pills you take. If any alarming symptoms appear, a woman should consult a doctor and, in agreement with him, change the type of measures taken, especially since original preparations containing substances that in no way violate sexual desire have appeared in Poland.

2. Myths about contraception - taking birth control pills is effective in preventing pregnancy, but the patient's appearance does not change?

As a gynecologist Prof. Grzegorz Jakiel, the use of birth control pills is not indifferent to a woman's appearance, especially since they are often chosen in such a way as to improve the patient's quality of life. An example is antiandrogenic pills that can significantly improve skin condition. They reduce the manifestations of seborrhea and acne, and also help get rid of the problem of excess hair. A compound called chlormadinone acetate is also responsible for this - tablets containing it have been available in our country for some time.

3. Myths about contraception - does the use of hormonal contraception require concomitant use of protective pills?

Barrier drugs are designed to protect us from the side effects associated with birth control pills. In this context, most often they talk about the appearance of extra pounds or a decrease in libido. However, it turns out that such symptoms are associated with an incorrectly selected contraceptive. According to Dr. Depko, a modern woman, has many types of pills at her disposal, so in case of side effects, you should simply turn to another drug. The effectiveness of protective measures is questionable, so the best solution is to talk to a gynecologist about the possibility of unforeseen ailments, which will certainly dispel any doubts.

4. Myths about contraception - can a woman have problems getting pregnant after stopping the pill?

For many women, this belief makes them give up. hormonal contraception in favor of traditional methods of mechanical protection. However, experts refute this myth, pointing out that a woman's fertility quickly returns to normal and the conception of a child is possible already during the first cycle following the abolition of pills. According to prof. The ability to become pregnant depends on many factors, including: the type of disease, age or lifestyle.

5. Myths about contraception - do you need a break when taking long-term pills to cleanse the body?

It should be remembered that the doctor decides both the possibility of using birth control pills and how long we take them. There are drugs that can be taken for a long time without interruption. Consultation with a gynecologist in this case is extremely important. prof. Yakiel also emphasizes the need for timely follow-up examinations.

6. Myths about contraception - what else is worth knowing?

Contrary to popular belief, taking birth control pills after the specified time does not affect their effectiveness, provided that we do not exceed 12 hours. It also turns out that the opinion that its effect is weaker in women who smoke is incorrect. The study found no such relationship. As with drinking alcohol shortly after swallowing it. Provided, of course, that it does not vomit. Moreover, the belief that contraceptive therapy can lead to problems with maintaining pregnancy and malformations of the child. The active substances contained in the preparations are quickly excreted from the body.

Understanding the real impact of birth control pills on a woman's body is the basis for making a responsible decision about the best way to protect yourself. In case of any doubt, it is always a good idea to consult a gynecologist. After all, we are talking about our body, so there is no room for doubt.

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