» Sexuality » Spotting instead of menstruation - causes, pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen

Spotting instead of menstruation - causes, pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen

Spotting instead of menstruation is the appearance of a discharge that is stained with blood, or spots of blood at the time when menstruation should have begun. Perhaps the menstrual calendar plays such tricks, but is it a cause for concern? It should be remembered that not all spotting instead of menstruation portends the presence of a serious illness, but require an explanation, and most importantly, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist.

Watch the video: "Disruptive Menstrual Symptoms [Consult a Specialist]"

1. Spotting instead of menstruation - causes

Spotting instead of menstruation does not necessarily portend a disease. It also happens in healthy women. Perioovulatory spotting can also coexist in place of intermittent spotting. With a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, spotting may appear on the 14th day.

This is due to the fact that the level of estrogen decreases. If spotting continues for up to four days instead of menstruation, this may be a sign of uterine fibroids. Often spotting instead of menstruation indicates a miscarriage in early pregnancy. After a miscarriage, it is sometimes necessary to carry out curettage, due to the fact that the components of the fetal egg in the reproductive system are not always completely removed.

Thanks to mechanical cleaning, various infections can be avoided. Spotting instead of menstruation also portends the occurrence of endocrine disorders, infections, diseases of the blood coagulation system and thyroid diseases.

It is worth mentioning that anorexia or sudden weight loss can also be manifested by the cessation of menstruation or its replacement by spotting. Similar consequences can be excessive physical activity, which occurs, among other things, due to sports training. Bloody discharge instead of menstruation also occurs in women taking hormonal contraceptives.

Cause of spotting instead of menstruation it is also hormonal changes, such as those associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. They are also the result of leading a stressful lifestyle.

2. Bloody discharge instead of menstruation - pregnancy

Gynecologists believe that most common cause of spots instead of menstruation, it's pregnancy. Mucous discharge and small spotting of various colors occur in a significant number of pregnant women and are therefore considered one of the first key signs of conception.

During implantation, the so-called typical spot implantationthis may happen during your expected period. In addition, the implantation of the embryo itself can also cause spotting instead of menstruation, which is very often called pollution.

This is considered a natural physiological process, so there should be no concerns, in particular, regarding the expectation of pregnancy.

3. Bloody discharge instead of menstruation - pain in the lower abdomen

Bloody discharge instead of menstruation and accompanying pain in the lower abdomen lead to suspicion of adnexitis, infection of the genital tract, erosion, or a progressive neoplastic process. Spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen may portend uterine fibroids or inflammation of the appendages.

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