» Sexuality » Swallowing Sperm - Characteristics of Sperm, Safety, Sperm Taste

Sperm Swallowing - Semen Characteristics, Safety, Semen Taste

Swallowing semen is an integral part of oral sex for many people. Such behavior is completely safe as long as the sexual partner is not a carrier of any sexually transmitted diseases. The following substances are present in the sperm of a healthy man, such as fructose, glucose, zinc, chloride and calcium. Both the taste and appearance of semen largely depend on the health and diet of the man. What else is worth knowing about swallowing sperm?

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1. Characteristics of sperm

cum (cum) it's nothing but liquid ejectionwhat comes out of a man's urethra in the process intercourse Or masturbation. They are responsible not only for the formation of spermatozoa testiclesbut also epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands.

Sperm is ten percent composed of spermatozoa. The rest of the ingredients are water, fructose, glucose, protein, zinc, chloride, calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

The seeds also have a jelly-like consistency. white, milky or white-gray color.

The basic pH of semen is around 7.2.

2. Is it safe to swallow semen?

Is it safe to swallow semen? The answer to this question is not clear. If you decide to swallow semen during intercourse, you must be sure that sexual partner is not a carrier venereal disease!.

Condoms should be used if the other party is a carrier of an STI. Otherwise, you can get a bacterial infection, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis. Unprotected oral sex with an infected person is quite dangerous because the bacteria can enter the body of another person during ejaculation.

Swallowing cum is safe only when we have oral sex with a healthy person. People who engage in this type of sexual activity with healthy partners should not be afraid of swallowing semen because the ingredients in semen are safe to eat.

3. What does sperm taste like?

People who do not practice oral sex often ask what semen tastes like. The taste and appearance of semen largely depend on the state of health and how our sexual partner eats. White liquid discharge from different people can vary both in taste and smell. If a man eats a lot of meat, his semen may taste sour.

The sperm of men who eat mostly fruits like pineapples, mangoes and peaches may seem a little more pleasant and sweet. Other factors also affect the taste of semen, such as:

  • smoking,
  • urogenital infections,
  • alcohol consumption,
  • the use of pharmaceuticals,
  • personal hygiene.

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It is worth noting that drugs used by men can affect not only the taste of semen, but also the quality of semen. Some of them may cause fertility problems (drugs used in chemotherapy are an example).

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