» Sexuality » Duality - pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Duality - pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Two things are common in nature. This applies to plants and some animals. However, the problem of androgyny in humans is quite different. Most often it is the result of a genetic disorder. Androgyny is also called bisexuality or hermaphroditism.

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1. Obojnactwo-pathogeneza

Speaking of innocence, we should name its types - we distinguish true androgyne i pseudoandrogynous Both are of both sexes. IN supposedly female indifference, the ovaries are anatomically present in women, but the external genitalia acquire male features.

This situation is often due to the fetal exposure to excessive exposure to androgens in utero.

Two and a half are discovered at an early age (123RF)

Pseudo-androgynism in men manifested by the fact that the genitals do not have typical male characteristics or they are weakly expressed. Other type of bisexuality this is true androgyny - one person has both male and female gonads. In such a situation, it is necessary to conduct a chromosomal test and determine whether the child has the XX or XY genotype.

2. Two and a half symptoms

Hermit symptoms may vary in intensity. Of course, pathologies include the sexual organs, but also the resulting hormonal changes that affect the entire body. Depending on the exacerbation of symptoms of hermaphroditism, people with an XY karyotype consider themselves female.

In addition to violations of the normal anatomy and function of the genital organs in hermaphrodites, there are also violations associated with normal axillary and pubic hair growth. Underdeveloped sex organs people of the opposite sex they are also at greater risk of developing neoplastic changes.

3. Bilateral - diagnostics

There are cases when androgyny can be diagnosed immediately after childbirth.

However, before taking any action, appropriate genetic and hormonal tests should be carried out - their results depend hermaphroditism treatment.

4. Healing

Problem presents a serious therapeutic problem. The news of such anomalies can be a real shock, first for the family, and then for the developing family. child of both sexes.

For this reason, the treatment team should also include a psychologist. Depending on the degree promotion of androgyny a surgical procedure can be performed, which may be somewhat of a reconstructive procedure. way too hormonal treatment of hermaphroditismthat can complement the operation.

Both bisexuality, and hermaphroditism, and intersexuality are extremely rare disorders. If they do occur, it is necessary to undergo appropriate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It should also be remembered that if people with this condition do not receive treatment in childhood, they need understanding and compassion - for them this is especially important - a sense of acceptance. Psychological therapy should be ongoing and hermaphrodite therapy.

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