» Sexuality » Anaphrodisiac - what is it, types and side effects

Anaphrodisiac - what is it, types and side effects

Anaphrodisiac is a drug that reduces sexual excitability and performance. Substances that have a negative effect on potency and libido can include both drugs and herbs. It also happens that in the case of some drugs, the weakening of sexual desire is not the goal of the action, but a side effect. What is worth knowing?

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1. What is an anaphrodisiac?

Anaphrodisiac - reducing agent sexual excitabilitywhich not only reduces sexual desire, but also releases from the pressure of sexual need. Not much is said about this group of substances, but about aphrodisiacs that awaken the senses and excite desire.

Substances that weaken the libido are used in various situations. They are usually administered to suppress the attraction to sexual deviations and are given to people who have committed sexual crimes. They are also approached by people who want to soften their own sex drive and they want to be free from the pressure of the sexual need.

2. Types of anaphrodisiacs

Anagrodisiacs include several categories of substances and drugs:

  • drugs that block the secretion of sex hormones: analogues of GnRH (for example, goserelin), 5-α-reductase inhibitors of type II steroids (for example, finasteride),
  • drugs with one of the main effects of reducing libido: antiandrogen drugs (for example, medroxyprogesterone, cyproterone),
  • dopamine antagonists: neuroleptics eg haloperidol, phenothiazines (eg fluphenazine, chlorpromazine), flupentixol and atypical antipsychotics (eg risperidone).

One of the drugs used as an anaphoric disorder is Androcurwhich reduces the level of testosterone (androgen) in the blood. This is a hormonal drug that stops the action of male sex hormones. Hence, it leads to the suppression of sexual desire. The active substance is cyproterone acetate. It is a synthetic derivative of progesterone with gestagenic, antigonadotropic and antiandrogenic effects.

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There are also measures in which the suppression of sexual desire is not the main goal of the action, but by-effect. This is for example:

  • opioids,
  • some diuretics
  • antihistamines and sedatives,
  • antidepressants, drugs that increase serotonergic activity: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin receptor agonists,
  • substances used in the treatment of addiction,
  • hormonal drugs and hormonal contraceptive therapy,
  • drugs used in cardiovascular diseases, mainly in coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension (for example, non-selective β-blockers, diuretics and calcium channel blockers),
  • Lipid-lowering drugs (such as fibrates and statins) used to lower cholesterol levels to treat coronary heart disease.

3. Natural anaphrodisiacs without a prescription

There are also natural anaphrodisiacs. These include such [herbs] (https://portal.abczdrowie.pl/ziola-na-rozne-dolegliwosci] and plants, Such as:

  • hop cones and lupulin,
  • yellow water lily,
  • tiger lily,
  • chaste monks.

Hop cones Everyone (Strobilus Lupuli) knows. Lupulins (lupulinum) - sebaceous glands (Glandulae Lupuli) of hop inflorescences. It is a yellow to brown powder with a strong oily valerian odor. It has a sedative, hypnotic, diastolic and anxiolytic effect. It has an estrogenic effect, reducing sexual desire and muscle sensitivity.

yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) belongs to the Water Lily family. It is an aquatic plant that grows in rivers, ponds and lakes. Water lily extracts have diastolic, sedative, antidiarrheal and analgesic effects. Water lily preparations make it easier to fall asleep and relieve pain of various origins, but also inhibit sexual desire and excessive nervous excitement. This is a classic anaphrodisiacum, i.e. drugs that reduce sexual desire.

Tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum), whose raw material is onions. It soothes excessive nervous tension, relieves neurotic symptoms, reduces excessive menstrual bleeding and relieves PMS symptoms. It also reduces sex drive.

Immaculate monks (Vitex agnus castus) grows wild in the Mediterranean, Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan) and Crimea. In men, the plant extract can be used to treat premature ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox). A positive effect was also observed in states of excessive sexual tension and during andropause. Ripe fruits are medicinal raw materials.

4. Side effects of anaphrodisiacs

As you might expect, there are no anaphrodisiacs that would suppress libido without causing side effects. Among side effects lists:

  • gynecomastia,
  • hyperprolactinemia,
  • male galactorrhea (with chronic use),
  • suppression of higher cognitive functions (in the case of neuroleptics).

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