» PRO » Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Throughout history, literature, films and cartoons, foxes have always been portrayed as cunning and cunning.

However, they were also depicted as cheerful and intelligent animals, so the juxtaposition of numerous symbols made the fox quite a mysterious animal.

Because of this, many people tend to choose a fox pattern for their tattoo. For one reason or another, foxes have become mainstream in design, and fox tattoos always look incredible.

If you are thinking about getting a new tattoo that also makes sense and symbolizes something related and close to you, then you have come to the right place. In the following paragraphs, we will look at the meaning and symbolism of foxes, fox tattoos and take a look at the best fox tattoo designs this year.

So, without further ado, let's get started!

Foxes and fox tattoos - meaning and symbolism

Foxes throughout cultural history

When we talk about fixes, their cultural meaning and symbolism throughout history, it is important not to generalize. Not every culture and society has considered foxes to be cunning or cunning, although this symbolism is more common when referring to these wonderful animals.

For example, in classical antiquity, foxes were a major part of didactic fables. The fox will symbolize wisdom and intelligence, but also cunning. However, in these fables, the aspect of cunning was not purely negative; this was also seen as a positive trait. Nevertheless, in an edifying sense, the fables warned against the insidious tricks of the fox and its ability to deceive.

A similar interpretation of the fox can be found in Celtic culture. The Celtic people and their mythology portray foxes as a symbol of cunning, which was more of a form of intelligence and toughness than a negative trait. Foxes were also considered to be able to easily run away and overcome obstacles due to their intelligence and wisdom.

During the medieval period, foxes were still associated with traditional cunning interpretation. This interpretation was anchored in the work of Geoffrey Chaucer and The Nun Priest's Tale, where the fox is seen as a masterful deceiver.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

However, in the early modern period, thanks to Machiavelli, foxes were seen as cunning, where such a trait has only a positive connotation. Machiavelli believed that humans could learn a lot from foxes and their "cunning"; it's what he thinks people need to be successful. As a rule, foxes were considered smart, intelligent, persistent, wise and cautious.

Currently, foxes are not considered animals that cannot be trusted. They are more surrounded by the mystery and flattery of what we think of foxes. They are valued for their intelligence and wisdom, as well as their beauty and ability to communicate with people such as dogs or cats.

So what do fox tattoos symbolize?

From the previous points, we can make a possible conclusion about what fox tattoos can actually symbolize.

If a person gets a fox tattoo, he either appreciates the character of this animal, or beauty.

Slot machine positive symbolism of a fox tattoo would;

  • Wisdom
  • Collection
  • Ingenuity
  • Elasticity
  • Ability to overcome obstacles
  • charm and beauty
  • Protection
  • Passion
  • Мanagement
  • Fertility
  • Prosperity
  • Loyalty and loyalty
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

However, we cannot simply forget the negative traits attributed to foxes. Consequently fox tattoo negative symbolism would;

  • cunning
  • craftiness
  • Danger
  • A warning
  • deceiver
  • research

In terms of tattoos, we have noticed that some types of tattoos have a kind of fox design to highlight the positive or negative connotation and symbolism. For example;

  • If the fox's tail is exaggerated or emphasized, it symbolizes intelligence and wisdom.
  • If the muzzle of the fox is centered and emphasized, then it symbolizes curiosity.
  • If the fox is depicted with a cynical grin on his face, or the facial expression is cunning, then this symbolizes cunning.
  • If the fox is lying, and the body is curled up, then this symbolizes vulnerability and fragility.
  • If the fox's eyes are squinted, then this symbolizes caution, incredulity and ingenuity.

Best Fox Tattoo Designs for 2022

Fox flower tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

A fox surrounded by flowers is definitely a feminine design. And we must say that most of the fox tattoo designs are for women and not for men. A fox flower tattoo emphasizes the beauty and vulnerability of this animal, as well as the ethereal and mysterious energy of the fox.

The fox flower tattoo, of course, can be colored, but in most cases it is done in black and gray style. In this form, the fox looks almost like a cartoon or drawn character of a didactic fairy tale, which further emphasizes the idea of ​​mystery and unearthlyness.

The best recommendation for the placement of such a tattoo is the area of ​​​​the forearm and biceps. The tattoo can also extend to the shoulder and upper back for a more dramatic look.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Japanese fox tattoo (kitsune tattoo)

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Kitsune means fox in Japanese. Japanese fox tattoos are part of the traditional interpretations and rich history of tattooing. In ancient Japan, foxes were considered immortal mystical creatures and messengers of the gods. This interpretation is especially associated with Shinto beliefs.

Kitsune or Japanese fox tattoos are traditionally very bold in design, execution, and color. They are quite attractive and larger in size than regular fox tattoos. They can also be made in different styles. Some kitsune tattoos feature a kitsune mask or a fox face mask. Other tattoos simply feature a fox done in the traditional Japanese tattoo style.

The best place for a Kitsune tattoo is definitely the forearm, bicep area, upper back, or upper thigh. For the bravest of us, we also recommend the chest as a good choice for placement.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Nine tailed fox tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Originating from ancient Chinese legends, the nine-tailed fox is an iconic and world-famous depiction of a fox. It is believed that a fox can grow a new tail every 100 years. Each tail is filled with power and wisdom, making the fox an incredible beast with each new tail that grows back.

In general, in Chinese tradition, the nine-tailed fox is a symbol of prosperity and peace not only in China, but throughout the world. But apart from this original meaning and symbolism, the nine-tailed fox also symbolizes a good marriage, love, abundance of children and grandchildren, and general happiness in life.

The best place for a nine tailed fox tattoo is definitely large areas of the body such as the back, hips, chest, abdomen/ribs area, etc. The reason for this is that this design requires space for the nine tails to be depicted correctly. However, you can always opt for a smaller version of this design if you are looking for a thinner and more comfortable place to cover.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Curled fox tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

A curled up fox is probably one of the cutest and cutest things in the world. A tattoo depicting a curled up fox symbolizes all of its vulnerability and fragility. This shows that the fox is much more than cunning, slyness and other negative connotations. This is just a cute little furry friend of nature who wants to keep warm and feel safe, just like any of us. Such a tattoo shows that even in the most negative-minded creatures there is humility and fragility.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Geometric fox tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Geometric tattoos in any form are not known for carrying some deep meaning and symbolism. However, they can certainly tell a lot about the person with the tattoo. The combination of the fox and geometric, straight and detailed lines and patterns shows that the person is detail-oriented, peculiar in regards to order and finds it in nature and animals such as foxes.

Foxes are known to make up most of the order in nature. Moreover, their appearance, lines, body shape and behavior are also in incredible order and quite detailed. So, the combination of these two things is not as unusual as it might seem. Geometric tattoos are also incredibly artistic and creative and look good on everyone.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Naturalistic fox tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

With a naturalistic tattoo inspired by real life, the focus is always on the beauty and energy of the fox. There is no better way to portray this incredible animal than by choosing a design that showcases its true beauty without any exaggeration.

A naturalistic fox tattoo features soft lines, natural colors (characteristic of standard fox fur), neutral expression and some additional elements of nature such as flowers, water, moon, etc.

Some of the naturalistic drawings are often done as a painting, as the colors and lines sometimes appear to be done in watercolor. Other designs are made using soft lines to depict the shape and fur of a real fox.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

Simple/minimal fox tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

If you are a fan of simple and minimal artistic expression, then you will love our recommendation for a minimal fox tattoo. Minimal tattoos are a great way to convey your creativity and love for this wonderful animal without going overboard with bold, huge and colorful designs.

The message and symbolism can be conveyed with a few lines and a small amount of shading. There is no need to make a bulky design if it does not suit its purpose or your own style.

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

red fox tattoo

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022

The red fox is the most popular type of fox. He is well known for his incredibly beautiful fur and kind disposition. Because of its demeanor and curvaceous appearance, the red fox often symbolizes seductiveness and femininity. Luxurious fur and fluffy fluffy tail make the red fox a spectacular sight.

Because of the symbolism, red fox tattoos are very popular among female members of the tattoo community. To emphasize the symbolism of seductiveness and powerful femininity, red fox tattoos pay special attention to color, fur and tail.

In terms of placement, you want your red fox tattoo to be visible. Therefore, we recommend areas such as the forearm, thigh area, ankle area, upper back or back of the neck, etc. Depending on the size of the design, you can place this tattoo anywhere at the end of the day. .

Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022
Fox Tattoos: Meaning, Symbolism, and Best Design Ideas for 2022