» PRO » Secrets of transferring patterns in tattoos ...

Secrets of transferring patterns into tattoos ...

In the text below, you will find everything about transferring patterns to skin. After reading it, you will find that it is very simple and there are no secret methods in it, all you need are the right tools!

There are several ways to apply the correct pattern to a tattooed person's skin. The most important thing is to use this pattern at all! While you have discussed the look of your future tattoo with your client, leave no room for speculation. First, the pattern gets on the skin, and only then the tattoo. The future owner of the tattoo must see exactly how it will look, where it will be located, at what angle, etc. It is better not to leave doubts, because this is something for life. The drawing will definitely make your job easier, it is indispensable for complex tattoos.

Previously, ready-made patterns were much more often used. There were albums of works in tattoo parlors. The customer chose a pattern, often tracing paper was prepared for each tattoo, it was enough to seal it on the skin and get to work. Today, customers increasingly want something original, have prepared inspirations and make various changes in agreement with the tattoo artist. So you have to be prepared for anything!

Leather handles

There is a large selection of markers and pens that you can use to write and draw on leather. They are more often used to complete an already mirrored drawing than to create it from scratch. With felt-tip pens, you do not need to apply liquid or cream to the skin in advance.

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

Kalka hectographic

Hectographic tracing paper is a simple and easy way to transfer patterns. There are several ways to use it.

Drawing a pattern on tracing paper

The transfer of a drawing should begin with the preparation of a tattoo design on a regular sheet, it can be a drawing or a printout; to facilitate the further process, it is best to cut off unnecessary fragments of the sheet. The design prepared in this way should be placed between the first layer of carbon paper - white tissue paper and a removable protective layer.

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

The next step is to paint the pattern on the outer white tissue paper. It is best to use a pencil for this, if something is not working out for you, you can always erase it and correct it.

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

After the pattern is applied to the first layer of carbon paper, the release film can be removed from under the white tissue paper so that the paper is in contact with the actual part of the carbon paper.

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

Once again, you need to correct the contours of the design, this time it is more convenient to use the pen. Do this carefully, as the quality of the transferred drawing will depend on it.

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

After tracing the dark blue dye on the other side of the white tissue paper, this part needs to be cut out.

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

The tracing paper prepared in this way is ready for the imprint on the skin.

Print on tracing paper

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...
Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

Recently, special printers that print directly on tracing paper have become more and more popular. They have many advantages. First of all, they are very accurate. You can easily transfer every detail to the tracing paper, not only the outline, but also the fill or hatching. With geometric patterns, you no longer need to worry about maintaining symmetry, the printer perfectly recreates the intended tattoo. Plus, the printer will save you time! Wonder!

These are thermal printers, so use suitable paper such as Spirit Thermal Classic. See how it works:

Sketch on the ring

Another way to prepare a pattern on tracing paper is to sketch it by hand. If you want a tattoo that has a unique look, is dynamic, shaded, or resembles a quick sketch, sometimes this is the best way to create it. For this, it is best to use the special Spirit Freehand Classic tracing paper. However, this is not the easiest way, forget about adjustments and keep a steady hand!

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...
Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

Pattern transfer fluids

Secrets of Transferring Patterns ...

And the last ingredient in the secret recipe! To ensure that the pattern printed on the skin stays on it as long as possible and does not wash off when rubbed, use a special liquid. The choice of liquids is wide, and which one you choose depends on your preference. For small, uncomplicated tattoos, you can use cheaper liquids, but if your design is very detailed and you need really good quality to reflect on the skin, use high quality liquids. You can also find some that are 100% vegan!

A thin layer of liquid should be applied to the skin where the tattoo will be. Before doing this, rinse the area with disinfectant and generally. At this point, you should already be wearing disposable gloves.

Sometimes the pattern is too small, too large or 2 cm more to the right 🙂 Then you can use a special liquid that safely and quickly removes the pattern and makes room for another.

If you still have questions about transferring a picture to a skin, write them in the comments below. We will answer;)